Awful is an iPhone and iPad app for browsing the Something Awful Forums. Its story can be found in its thread (and among older threads).
This app is unofficial and is not endorsed by Something Awful.
- Grab code:
git clone
- Open Xcode project and build away:
cd Awful && Awful.xcodeproj
You can help! Head over to Awful's thread and tell us about any issues you're having. Send in some lovingly crafted thread tags. Or check out the code and send pull requests. If you're curious about anything at all, stop by the thread and say hi.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License
Awful development is led by pokeyman, was started by OHIO, and gets or got a ton of help from Diabolik900, enigma105, hardstyle, Malcolm XML, and The Dave.