This system was developed for the course "Distributed Database Systems" at the University of Zurich. It conceptually implements bloom filters in a distributed database system to reduce network traffic.
To start the system, the .jar files must be launched. Beforehand, following Environment Variables must be set:
DB_USER - the username for the PostgreSQL database
DB_PASSWORD - the corresponding password
java -jar master.jar
The master server is started on port 63843
java -jar slave.jar [port] [tables...]
The server must provide a database called bloom_join.
On the master's terminal, the queries can be entered with different launch options:
-e [[a-z].sql]: evaluation. If a file is provided, all queries stored in it will be executed.
-d: disable the console output. It will only show a summary at the end of the request
-l: log to file
-n: disable the bloom filter. The query will be run with a normal semi-join
-p [0.[0-9]+]: The query will be run with the provided false positive probability
SELECT * FROM fives JOIN thirteens ON = -p 0.05 -l -d
The system can only deal with Integer and String attributes.