Arduino Tinker Library is aimed at fast development of Arduino projects.
The primary goal of the library is to provide a framework for fast and reliable development of Arduino projects.
It cointains the following modules:
- Template algorithms
- Helper classes
- Complete and flexible logging system
- Wrapper classes for sensors
- Wrapper classes for actuators
- Geometric computation tools
Some classes of the Arduino Tinker Library require additional libraries. If you want to use those classes in your project you must download and install the corresponding external dependencies.
- LiquidCrystalLog
- NeoPixelCircularDisplay
- MagneticSensorLSM303
- MagneticSensorLSM303
Please follow this guide to install external dependencies in your Arduino IDE
When you clone the library on your PC you will find in ./resources/ all the required libraries.
A circuit diagram of each example will be available in the example directory. To open up example files you need to download and install Fritzing
You will find a doxygen generated documentation inside the Arduino Tinker Library GitHub Pages
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