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This project shows how QProcess
strangely needs QProcess::waitForFinished(...)
in order for
or QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput()
to be called.
The main code is in mainwindow.h
Yes, it isn't the best formatted code, but I was trying to keep all of the class Pinger
code consolidated.
In Pinger::startSync()
, if the only change I make is to comment out the call to
then QProcess::readyReadStandardError()
never get called.
If the only change I make is to uncomment out that call to QProcess::waitForFinished(...)
(so that
it is called) then QProcess::readyReadStandardError()
or QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput()
called just fine.
Why is that?
Also, why doesn't QProcess::close()
work nicely in Pinger::stopSync()