Releases: Nixinova/MineoCS
Releases · Nixinova/MineoCS
Alpha 0.4.2
Alpha 0.4.1
Alpha 0.4.0
Alpha 0.4.0 of Mineo, now once again in development.
- Added building
- Left click to remove, right click to place
- Shows a block selection outline
- Toggle by pressing B
- Added the hotbar showing several available blocks
- Use number keys or scroll wheel to change the selected block
- Added forest grass (ID 10), sandstone (ID 4) and sand (ID 12)
- Added biomes: plains, forests (one per tree type) and desert
- Plains and desert generates no trees and forests generate their specific variant of tree
- Re-added the nuke button (N) which destroys random blocks in a 5x5x5 area
- Re-added the crosshair
- Removed the workbench and quarry
- Removed the hotbar
- Removed tree IDs
- Renamed grass to plains grass (ID 9)
- Changed block IDs: stone 4>1, clay 5>2, grass 12>9, leaves 20/21/22>24/25/26, copper 24>32, asphalt 25>33, tin 26>34, debug 252>240