Symfony 2 bundle to add quickly last tweets on your website, you can choose and change the screen name, override template and use your own template, this bundle reqiure dependency on abraham/twitteroauth bundle
when you install OrwebEasyLastTweetBundle for symfony, this dependency will be add :
- Add this bundle to your project in composer.json:
{ "require": { "orweb/EasylastTweet": "^1.0", } }
- Install with composer
composer.phar require orweb/EasylastTweet
- Register the bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new \Orweb\EasyLastTweetBundle\OrwebEasyLastTweetBundle(),
// ...
##application twitter
first you must create an twitter application on ,and create a token (read permission)
you must add your twitter api parameters in app/config/config.yml, the required parameters must be added like this :
# app/config/config.yml
consumer_key: "your_application_key"
consumer_secret: "your_application_secret_key"
token: "your_application_token"
token_secret: "your_application_token_secret"
##twig usage:
just add this render command in your twig template (in this example we display the last 3 tweets from the @lyfeor account) :
{% render path('orweb_easy_last_tweet', {screen: 'lyfeor', number: 3}) %}
##controller usage:
if you want to use it in a controller you can get an entity Array with this code:
// src/controller/someController.php
public function someAction()
$tweets = $this->get('orweb.twitter')->getLastTweets($screen, $number);
// ...
//if you want retweets and mention
$tweets = $this->get('orweb.twitter')->getLastTweets($screen, $number, false, true,true);
#Override template
if you want to custom the render (in a twig template usage), you cans specify the path of your override template in the app/config/config.yml :
# app/config/config.yml
consumer_key: "your_application_key"
consumer_secret: "your_application_secret_key"
token: "your_application_token"
token_secret: "your_application_token_secret"
path: "path/of/custom/template/tweet.html.twig"
you can use the "tweets" entities Array like this :
{% for tweet in tweets %}
<dt>{{ tweet.getDate() }}</dt>
<dd>{{ tweet.getFormatText() | raw }}</dd>
{% endfor %}
to see all the 'tweet' parameters open the Entity/Tweet.php