The Thumbnail / File Preview API creates high-resolution thumbnail images from any file you upload to it.
We recommend that you use the provided Dockerfile, as the package requires Libreoffice, Unosever etc. Install Docker before and familiarize yourself with it.
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up
For authenticating with the API, users must provide a simple API Key. This key can be included in: Headers: X-API-Key POST request body (as JSON): key GET parameters: key Please ensure that the provided API Key is present in the file for the request to be authenticated, for example
'username1': 'your-api-key-1',
'username2': 'your-api-key-2'
For example
Shows if the libreoffice and unoserver is running. Should be the first call to start those. May takes over 20 seconds.
Uploads a file and returns a JSON include the base64 file. Expecting file as Multipart form data.
Uploads a file and returns a unique identifier for the uploaded file. Expecting file as Multipart form data.
Converts a previously uploaded file to the desired format.
Downloads the converted file based on its unique ID and desired format. Expecting a unique_id and file_type given.
Please have a look to Unoserver documentation to lern more about the file conversion.
We used the following Flask skeleton, explaination and Medium link :
We deploy the application on Google Cloud. Feel free to do the same:
gcloud run deploy flask-file-preview --region=europe-west2 --source=$(pwd) --allow-unauthenticated --project=[YOUR_GC_PROJECT_ID]