You walk into a place that you have never been to before. It has good yelp reviews, but you become overwhelmed by the number of options. What if there was some way to know what the "Top Rated" items are?
In Development
Currently only styled for mobile screen size
Working on homepage and search functionality
- Displays information retrieved from Yelp Fusion Api
- Integrated Google Maps Embed Api to easily search for directions
- React
- Redux
- Styled Components
- Ruby on Rails
- Axios
- PostgreSQL
- Yelp Fusion
- Google Maps Embed
- Thinking in React to ensure code is modular and scalable
const StoreInformation = ({ store }) => (
<StarRating rating={store.rating} />
<Text>{store.review_count} Reviews</Text>
<StoreHours hours={store.hours} />
<StoreActionButtons />
<StoreMap name={} location={store.location} />
<StoreAddress location={store.location.display_address} />
<CallButton phone={} displayPhone={store.display_phone} />
<StoreMoreInfo />
- Stores are added to the database dynamically making sure to only add Boba stores
def show
yelp_store_info = get_store_info(params[:id])
@store = Store.find_by(yelp_store_id: yelp_store_info["alias"])
unless yelp_store_info["error"]
if @store
render json: yelp_store_info.to_json
elsif find_categories(yelp_store_info).include?("bubbletea")
render json: { error: "Business is not a Boba Shop" }, status: 422
render json: { error: "Business does not exist" }, status: 404
- Used Styled Components to easily manage and organize styling
import styled from "styled-components";
export const BottomLabeledButtons = styled.button`
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
padding: 0;
width: 30vw;
border: none;
background: none;
- Reviews
- Users Auth
- Check-In