- Licence : AGPL v3 - Copyright CGI
- Développer(s) : CGI
- Financer(s) : Région Ile de France, CGI
- Description : Module to connect to Zimbra.
- maxFailures : max bad request before open circuit
- timeout : max timeout request befoe open request (-1 disable)
Address Book of user is sync when user log on zimbra expert mode Addess Book of a structure is sync when a user of this structure lo on zimbra expert mode
- enable-addressbook-synchro : is addressbook sync to zimbra enabled ? (default true)
- shared-folder-name : name of created addess book root folder (defaut -- Carnets Adresses ENT --)
- abook-sync-ttl-minutes : delay in minutes between two sync of AdressBook of a user (default 1440)
- structure-abook-sync-delay : delay (with postgres syntax) between two sync of adressBook of a structure (default '1 day')
- force-synchro-adressbook : if true, even if user should respect rights&grants rules, all adressbook of structure is shared with users (default false)
- purge-emailed-contacts :
The zimbra-connector module contains several modules within it: apizimbra and zimbra.
{ "config": { ... "zimbra-uri" : "$zimbraUri", "zimbra-domain" : "$zimbraDomain", "zimbra-synchro-lang" : "$zimbraLang", ... } }
Specific configuration that must be seen :
zimbraUri = ${String} zimbraDomain = ${String} zimbraLang = ${String}
{ "config": { ... "max-recipients": $zimbraMaxRecipients, ... "zimbra-uri" : "$zimbraUri", "preauth-key" : "$zimbraPreauthKey", "zimbra-domain" : "$zimbraDomain", "zimbra-synchro-lang" : "$zimbraLang", "zimbra-admin-uri" : "$zimbraAdminUri", "admin-account" : "$zimbraAdminAccount", "address-book-account" : "$zimbraAddressBookAccount", "admin-password" : "$zimbraAdminPassword", "zimbra-synchro-cron" : "$zimbraSynchroCron", "zimbra-recall-cron": "$zimbraRecallCron", "zimbra-ical-cron" : "$zimbraICalCron", "zimbra-recall-worker-max-queue": $zimbraRecallWorkerMaxQueue, "zimbra-ical-worker-max-queue" : $zimbraICalWorkerMaxQueue, "zimbra-file-upload-max-size": $zimbraFileUploadMaxSize, "mail-config" : { "imaps":{ ... }, "smtps":{ ... } }, ... "purge-emailed-contacts" : $zimbraPurgeEmailedContacts, "force-synchro-adressbook" : $zimbraForceSyncAdressBook, "save-draft-auto-time" : $saveDraftAutoTime, "filter-profile-sync-ab" : $filterProfileSyncAB, ... "slack": { "api-uri": "$zimbraSlackApiUri", "api-token": "$zimbraSlackApiToken", "channel": "$zimbraSlackChannel", "bot-username": "$zimbraSlackBotUsername" } } }
Specific configuration that must be seen :
zimbraMaxRecipients = Integer zimbraUri = ${String} zimbraPreauthKey = ${String} zimbraDomain = ${String} zimbraLang = ${String} zimbraAdminUri = ${String} zimbraAdminAccount = ${String} zimbraAddressBookAccount = ${String} zimbraAdminPassword = ${String} zimbraSynchroCron = ${String} zimbraRecallCron = ${String} zimbraICalCron = ${String} zimbraFileUploadMaxSize= ${Integer} zimbraPurgeEmailedContacts = boolean zimbraForceSyncAdressBook = boolean saveDraftAutoTime = ${String} sendTimeout = ${String} filterProfileSyncAB = ${String} zimbraSlackApiUri = ${String} zimbraSlackApiToken = ${String} zimbraSlackChannel = ${String} zimbraSlackBotUsername = ${String}
you can add the following properties depending on your use of zimbra :
{ ... circuit-breaker: { }, ... cwd: ${String}, assets-path: ${String} }
Explanation of the previous parameters :
mod parameter : conf.properties variable , usage
"zimbra-ical-cron" : "${zimbraICalCron}" , update frequency for ical queue
"zimbra-recall-cron" : "${zimbraRecallCron}" , update frequency for recall queue
"zimbra-ical-worker-max-queue" : "${zimbraICalWorkerMaxQueue}" , max queue size for ical request worker
"zimbra-recall-worker-max-queue": "${$zimbraRecallWorkerMaxQueue}" , max queue size for recall request worker
Create a connector to enable zimbra to communicate with zimbra-connector to send notifications once the operation is complete.
id: NOTIFS_ZIMBRA_API URL: ${host}/apizimbra/notification clientID: NOTIFS_ZIMBRA_API Scope: fr.openent.apizimbra.controller.ApiController|sendNotification Code Secret: Tk9USU2Tx1pjTUJSQToq
The username and password will be "notifent_user" et "notifent_password".