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Support for newer tags on Nabaztags running pynab

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Rabbit RFID

This tool is an example of how the Rabbit Home framework can be reused to make other projects. It's not maintained actively, but contributions are welcome.

Rabbit RFID is a custom service for nabaztag rabbits retrofitted with a tag:tag:tag board running pynab. It implement tag support for newer tags such as Mifare Classic (Vigik) using the new NFC reader, without touching pynab's source code.

Each tag can be associated with an action or webhook set in configuration.


These instructions are for advanced users with sufficient knowledge of Linux command-line.

  1. Enable SSH on your tag:tag:tag board:
    • Remove the SD card and insert it on your computer
    • Create a blank file named ssh without file extension
    • Reinsert the SD card into your rabbit, and power it on
    • You can now access using ssh [email protected] with password raspberry
    • Change password with the passwd command (recommended)
  2. Upload the rabbit-rfid folder to your home directory:
    • /home/pi/rabbit-rfid should contain
  3. Enable lingering services for the pi account:
    • sudo loginctl enable-linger pi
  4. Create the rabbitrfid service:
    • mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
    • editor ~/.config/systemd/user/rabbitrfid.service
    • Paste the following:
Description=Rabbit RFID systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 /home/pi/rabbit-rfid/

  1. Start service:
systemctl --user unmask rabbitrfid
systemctl --user enable rabbitrfid
systemctl --user restart rabbitrfid
systemctl --user status rabbitrfid


Go to config folder and edit rfid.ini to map actions to your tags.

After changing configuration files, restart the service to apply your changes:

systemctl --user restart rabbitrfid

Enrolling more rabbits

You can skip installing the service on your other rabbits by enrolling the other rabbits instead:

  1. Edit config/rabbits.ini and add the additional rabbit
  2. Add direct SSH access from the rabbit running the service to the other rabbit:
NABAZTAGIP=192.168.1.XXX # Set your other rabbit IP here. The rabbit must have a static IP, see your router settings.
if [ ! -f ~/.ssh/ ]; then ssh-keygen -b 4096; fi
PUBKEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/
ssh pi@${NABAZTAGIP} "if [ ! -d ~/.ssh ]; then mkdir ~/.ssh; fi; echo '${PUBKEY}' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; echo added ssh key."
ssh pi@${NABAZTAGIP} # Should get a shell on your rabbit without typing a password

When doing so, scanning the tag on the other rabbit will run the same action as configured on your main rabbit. If you prefer having different action for different rabbits, install the service independently on each rabbit.


The Rabbit Home framework, including this example project, is provided under CDDL-1.0 (Why?).

Basically, you can use it or its source for any project, free or commercial, but if you improve it or fix issues, the license requires you to contribute back by submitting a pull request with your improved version of the code. Also, credit must be given to the original project, and license notices may not be removed from the code.


Support for newer tags on Nabaztags running pynab






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