These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
At the current moment OS2Forms is ready to install or upgrade to Drupal 9 version.
See detailed steps to update your project to Drupal 9 below in this page.
Drupal 8 version is still maintained to get bugfixes. However, due to EOL of Drupal 8 in November 2021 Drupal core will not get its security update.
If you still use Drupal 8 version of OS2Forms you can use following branches to get updates on bugfixes or other issues:
Clone the git repository
git clone [email protected]:OS2Forms/os2forms8.git
Enter the newly created project directory
cd os2forms8
Install dependencies
composer install
Install drupal based on OS2Forms profile. Make sure you substitute the following variables:
- db_pass
- db_user
- db_host
- db_name
- account_password
- site_name
drush si os2forms8 --db-url=mysql://db_user:db_pass@db_host/db_name --account-pass=account_password --site-name="site_name"
Clone the git repository
git clone [email protected]:OS2Forms/os2forms8.git
Enter the newly created project directory
cd os2forms8
Start docksal environment
fin start
Create local settings
cp web/sites/example.settings.local.php web/sites/default/settings.local.php
Add file permission fix to settings.local.php. See
// web/sites/default/settings.local.php $settings['file_chmod_directory'] = 0777; $settings['file_chmod_file'] = 0666;
Here you can choose to install a standard OS2forms or include the OS2forms Forløb module with necessary configurations.
# Option 1: Standard OS2forms test or development install fin rebuild-test
# Option 2: OS2forms 2.1 med Forløb test or development install fin build-forloeb
Configure trusted hosts in settings.local.php (add the following if not present)
// web/sites/default/settings.local.php $settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = ['^os2forms8.docksal$', '^localhost$'];
You should now be able to browse to the application at http://os2forms8.docksal
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on a live system.
For a more detailed description, you could look at the web/core/INSTALL.txt
- A HTTP server such as Apache that supports PHP
- Make sure that Apache vhost configured properly. See requirements
- A database service such as MySQL
- PHP 7.4 with the following extensions enabled:
- gd
- curl
- simplexml
- xml
- dom
- soap
- mbstring
- zip
- database specific extension such as the mysql extension
- Composer
- Drush launcher
- Clone the git repository
git clone [email protected]:OS2Forms/os2forms8.git
It assumes that you have configured your web-server to use path [/vhost/path]/os2web8/web
as document root folder.
- Enter the newly created project directory
cd os2forms8
- Install dependencies without development dependencies
composer install --no-dev
- Create local settings
cp web/sites/default.settings.local.php web/sites/default/settings.local.php
- Add databases settings to web/sites/default/settings.local.php
$databases['default']['default'] = array (
'database' => '[dbname]',
'username' => '[dbuser]',
'password' => '[dbpass]',
'prefix' => '',
'host' => '[dbhost]',
'port' => '',
'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\mysql',
'driver' => 'mysql',
Generate a salt string and insert it in web/sites/default/settings.local.php
# Generate salt string - this will output a new salt string ./vendor/bin/drush php-eval 'echo \Drupal\Component\Utility\Crypt::randomBytesBase64(55) . "\n";'
// web/sites/default/settings.php $settings['hash_salt'] = ''; // Insert the generated salt string here
Configure trusted hosts in web/sites/default/settings.local.php. For more information on how to write this, see the section for Trusted Host settings in the official Drupal installation guide.
// web/sites/default/settings.local.php $settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = [''];
Install Drupal
Using drush command:
# To install default OS2Forms drush si os2forms8 --account-pass=account_password --site-name="OS2Forms" # To install OS2Forms 2 drush si os2forms_forloeb_profile --account-pass=account_password --site-name="OS2Forms med forløb"
Or visit the url for the os2forms application and follow the instructions
- Select the os2forms install profile for a default os2forms installation
Enable OS2Forms modules
./vendor/bin/drush en os2forms, os2forms_nemid, os2forms_dawa, os2forms_sbsys
During development display of all PHP warnings and errors should be enabled by adding
// settings.local.php.
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
$config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose';
to setttings.local.php
. See Enable Drupal 8 backend errorlog/debugging
for further details.
Upgrading process from 8 to 9 version is not very different from update Drupal from minor versions in Drupal 8. However, there is some important steps you should be aware of.
It's recommended to do upgrade first on TEST environment before upgrading PROD environment.
See following steps to get your project upgraded to Drupal 9.
Before upgrade to Drupal 9 be sure that your server cover system requirements for Drupal 9 The most important of them are:
Before upgrade make sure you get DB dump to be able to roll back your project to stable state in case of unsuccessful upgrade
In order to upgrade your project to Drupal 9 get the latest version of develop
, staging
or master
Download 3rd party dependencies via composer:
composer install
Run following commands:
drush cr
drush updb
Test essential functionality in your OS2Forms project. OS2Forms has general test cases you can go through to be sure that your project works as it should. It includes general Drupal test cases and additional test cases that cover basic OS2Forms functionality. Test cases:
- Frontpage work
- User can loging
- User can create webform
- Webform can be submitted
- Nemid field can be added
- User can login via nemid and see prefilled data in nemid fields
NOTE: This list might not include some cases that is crucial for you installation. If you think that this list has missing test cases that are crucial for OS2Forms in general, feel free to submit an issue and describe the issue you are missing there.
OS2Forms projects is open for new features and os course bugfixes. If you have any suggestion, or you found a bug in project, you are very welcome to create an issue in github repository issue tracker. For issue description there is expected that you will provide clear and sufficient information about your feature request or bug report.
For development purposes there has been included development environment driven
by Docksal. You can find all settings related to in
See official manual on how to install docksal on your local development machine.
Since you have installed docksal it's easy to get installed default installation. Use following commands:
# Clone project if you didn't do it yet
git clone [email protected]:OS2Forms/os2forms8.git os2forms8-dev
cd os2forms8-dev
# Start docksal environment
fin start
As result, you will get URL like http://os2forms8-dev.docksal
that is going to
be used for access os2forms application.
Run fin help
to see commands you may need. You see more information about docksal fin
Most useful commands:
fin start/stop/restart
- start/stop/restart environmentfin bash
- get ssh access in CLI containerfin drush [comnnand]
- run drush command from host mashine in CLI containerfin composer [comnnand]
- run composer command from host mashine in CLI containerfin exec 'command'
- run any command from host machine in CLI container
To get default installation just run fin rebuild-test
command. Docksal will
create default os2forms installation for you.
Before start using it you need to add trusted hosts settings. See next section.
If you have existing database you want to upload and use, then you have to
configure Drupal settings (see section above). NOTE: It's recommended to add
settings settings.local.php
Default db service credentials:
$databases['default']['default'] = array (
'database' => 'default',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'prefix' => '',
'host' => 'db',
'port' => '',
'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\mysql',
'driver' => 'mysql',
Use fin bash
or fin drush [command]
to upload your database
You also need to add the rest drupal settings such as salt, sync/tmp folders, trusted hosts
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = ['^os2forms8-dev.docksal$', '^localhost$'];
See OS2Forms code review policy
See OS2Forms git name convention