Symbiotic-Lua is a template for hybrid development between C and Lua, being very useful for hybrid teams, or to facilitate the creation of programs. It generates a native Windows/Linux binary, without the need to install Lua, so it can be used to build desktop apps, or run in environments that cannot install Lua.
For instalation just download the src folder into your project
than type to get into the folder (these its important):
cd src
after it, you can compile and run the build
gcc build/main.c -o build.o &&./build.o
these will produce the file final.o, which its the final embed binary you can run it with
The system works through 2 stages, the first being build, in the build stage, after compiled, build.c will create a string called lua_code in the globals/lua_code.c file,containing all the contents of the lua/ folder (main.lua its required). In step two, the main folder C imports this string and generates an evaluation on it. you also, can put binaryis in the /bin folder ,based on the os , or all, they will be inserted into globals/bin.c This way, the entire lua virtual machine is embedded in the binary, without the need for external dependencies.
- a replacer for lua
- a full build tool
- a "lua runtimer"