This is a template for use with Cookiecutter to quickly create an OctoPrint plugin project folder out of thin air :)
Cookiecutter depends on Python (just like OctoPrint). So first make sure that is installed.
Then install Cookiecutter:
pip install cookiecutter
You can then use Cookiecutter to create your new plugin's project folder (this example assumes we'll create it under
cookiecutter gh:OctoPrint/cookiecutter-octoprint-plugin
Cookiecutter will take care of cloning this repository and ask you a couple of questions to properly turn the template into your very own plugin project folder:
Cloning into 'cookiecutter-octoprint-plugin'...
remote: Counting objects: 25, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 25 (delta 0), reused 25 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (25/25), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
plugin_identifier (default is "skeleton")?
plugin_name (default is "OctoPrint-Skeleton")?
repo_name (default is "OctoPrint-Skeleton")?
full_name (default is "You")?
email (default is "[email protected]")?
github_username (default is "you")?
plugin_version (default is "0.1.0")?
plugin_description (default is "TODO")?
plugin_license (default is "AGPLv3")?
plugin_homepage (default is "")?
plugin_source (default is "")?
plugin_installurl (default is "")?
Note: You can create a file ~/.cookiecutterrc
that cookiecutter will use to prefill things like full_name
and github_username
full_name: "Your full name"
email: "Your email address"
github_username: "Your Github username"
That way you won't have to re-enter that information every time you create a new plugin.
The template will also generate a pre filled (well, as far as possible...) data file under <repo_name>/extras/<plugin_identifier>.md
you can complete after your plugin is ready for prime time (adding a proper description, a bunch of screenshots and
a release date) to publish your plugin on