Tools to create / backup and restore a strapi docker container and an associated mysql database container.
Usecase: local preparation of an API using strapi in a docker environement where devs need to quickly test & iterate or just move copies of the project around.
Use the docker-compose.yml file to setup the needed containers. This version uses a mysql database but you can change this to any database system supported by strapi.
In the directory where you put the files, just lauch in the terminal:
docker-compose up -d
Backuping will produce a zip file named using the date and time of the local machine. ** Do not rename the files **
To backup the full strapi project's files and db datas, type:
Restoring will delete current containers (strapi and strapi_db) if present, regenerate new containers and inject the files and db datas of the backup.
To restore a file, just type:
./strapi-restore name-of-the-file.tar.gz
- MongoDB version
- Better way to ignore node_modules folder on backup
- Install script to archieve:
- Dynamic naming of containers per project
- Dynamic db type choice on installation