- Update Roslyn to 4.3.0-2.22267.5 (PR: #2401)
- Fixed run script for Mono (OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode#5181, OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode#5179, PR: #2398)
- Fall back to /usr/lib/os-release if /etc/os-release doesn't exist (PR: #2380)
- Added support for linux-musl-x64 and linux-musl-arm64 (#2366, PR: #2395)
- Enable GoToDefinition for symbols in metadata documents (OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode#4818, PR: #2390)
- Use human readable doc in lsp's signature help (#2372, PR: #2392)
- Add TextEdits support to InlayHints (PR: #2385)
- Fix Equals of AutoCompleteResponse and simplify some code (PR: #2362)
- Support O# running on .NET 7 SDKs (PR: #2377)
- Provide constructor accepting hostServices (PR: #2373)
- Typo fix (#2374)
- Update to latest .NET SDKs (PR: #2378)
- Remove MSBuild and Mono from release packages (#2339, PR: #2360)