The Orange OCast SDK provides all required API methods to implement cast applications to interact with an OCast device.
Both Objective-C and Swift applications may use the Orange OCast SDK to use the APIs defined by the OCast protocol. However Swift is required to use the API to send custom commands.
The sample project aims to demonstrate the basic instruction set of the Orange OCast SDK to help you get started.
OCast is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "OCast"
You can also retrieve the source code to build the project cloning the repository:
git clone
Here's how to import the framework from Swift applications:
import OCast
Here's how to import the framework from Objctive-C applications:
@import OCast;
You have to register your device type into the DeviceCenter
for your manufacturer. The manufacturer must be the same as the one in the UPNP device description response.
let deviceCenter = DeviceCenter()
center.registerDevice(ReferenceDevice.self, forManufacturer: "Manufacturer")
🔴 WARNING 🔴 To discover devices you need to add the Multicast Networking Additional Capability to your application, as described here :
You need to call the resumeDiscovery()
method to start the device discovery. Then you can be informed by the DeviceCenter
setting the delegate or registering notifications.
If devices are found on your network, the center(_:didAdd:)
method and the deviceCenterAddDevicesNotification
notification are triggered.
If devices are lost (network problem or device is turned-off), the center(_:didRemove:)
method and the deviceCenterRemoveDevicesNotification
notification are triggered.
deviceCenter.delegate = self
// DeviceCenter delegate methods
func center(_ center: DeviceCenter, didAdd devices: [Device]) {}
func center(_ center: DeviceCenter, didRemove devices: [Device]) {}
func centerDidStop(_ center: DeviceCenter, withError error: Error?) {}
You can stop the device discovery calling stopDiscovery()
method. This will trigger the centerDidStop(_:withError:)
method and the deviceCenterDiscoveryStoppedNotification
notification. The list of discovered devices will be cleaned, so if you want to keep them you should call pauseDiscovery()
instead. This is useful to manage application background state.
If a network error occurs, the centerDidStop(_:withError:)
method and the deviceCenterDiscoveryStoppedNotification
are also called but the error parameter is filled with the issue reason.
By default, the list of devices is refreshed every 30 seconds. You can decrease this interval setting the discoveryInterval
property. You should do this when the list of devices is displayed and restore the default value later to avoid draining the phone battery.
To connect to the device and use OCast media commands on your own application, you must set the device applicationName
property. Once you are connected to the device, the application is started automatically when you send a media command. You can also manage the application state manually. See Manage application state.
device.applicationName = "MyWebApp"
If you want to perform a secure connection, you can set a SSLConfiguration
object with your custom settings. Then you must call the connect(_:completion:)
method. The completion block is called without an error if the connection was performed successfully. Thus, you can send commands to your device.
let sslConfiguration = SSLConfiguration()
// Configure your own SSL Configuration
// ...
device.connect(sslConfiguration, completion: { error in
if (error == nil) {
// Use the commands
You can disconnect from the device using disconnect(completion:)
method. This is useful to manage application background state.
If a network error occurs, the deviceDisconnectedEventNotification
notification is triggered with the issue reason.
You can use the OCast commands provided by the SDK in the Device
protocol. The command list is described here:
let params = PrepareMediaCommandParams(url: "http://myMovie.mp4",
frequency: 1,
title: "Movie Sample",
subtitle: "OCast",
logo: "",
mediaType: .video,
transferMode: .buffered,
autoPlay: true)
device.prepareMedia(params, completion: { error in })
The device can send events defined in the OCast protocol. The following notifications will be triggered depending on the event : playbackStatusEventNotification
, metadataChangedEventNotification
and updateStatusEventNotification
// Register to the notification
selector: #selector(playbackStatusNotification),
name: .playbackStatusEventNotification,
object: device)
// Method triggered for the playback status event
@objc func playbackStatusNotification(_ notification: Notification) {}
If you need to send a command not defined in the OCast protocol, you can use the send(_:on:completion)
You must build OCastMessage
objects for the command and the reply.
public class CustomCommandParams: OCastMessage {
public let myParameter: String
public init(myParameter: String) {
self.myParameter = myParameter
// ...
public class CustomReplyParams: OCastMessage {
public let myValue: String
// ...
let data = OCastDataLayer(name: "customCommand", params: CustomCommandParams(myParameter: "paramValue"))
let message = OCastApplicationLayer(service: "customService", data: data)
let completionBlock: ResultHandler<CustomReplyParams> = { result, error in
// result is a CustomReplyParams?
device.sender?.send(message, on: .browser, completion: completionBlock)
If you need to receive an event not defined in the OCast protocol, you can use the registerEvent(_:completion)
method. The completion block will be called when an event of that name is received.
You must build an OCastMessage
object for the event.
public class CustomEvent: OCastMessage {
public let myEventValue: String
// ...
device.registerEvent("customEvent", completion: { [weak self] data in
if let customEvent = try? JSONDecoder().decode(OCastDeviceLayer<CustomEvent>.self, from: data) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Update your UI
self?.myLabel.text =
You can manage the application state manually. The startApplication(completion:)
method starts the application identified by the applicationName
property whereas the stopApplication(completion:)
method stops it.
Both Objective-C and Swift sample applications are available. In order to run these applications properly with your own device, you must set the OCastDemoManufacturerName
and the OCastDemoApplicationName
OCast is licensed under the Apache v2 License. See the LICENSE file for more info.