Concise practical reference to the Bevy game engine.
Covers useful syntax, features, programming patterns, and solutions for common game development tasks.
Designed to be easy to read, straight to the point, using simple language to focus on the important information.
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Copyright © 2021 Ida Iyes.
All code in the book is provided under the MIT-0 License. At your option, you may also use it under the regular MIT License.
The text of the book is provided under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Exception: If used for the purpose of contribution to the "Official Bevy Project", the entire content of the book may be used under the MIT-0 License.
"Official Bevy Project" is defined as:
- Any files contained in the Git repository hosted at
- Any files contained in the Git repository hosted at
- Anything publicly visible on the website
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