An ecommerce NodeJS app with several backend features as Login, routes and form protection, product administration, invoice generator, file management, error handling, etc.
The following instructions will allow you to obtain an entire copy of the project for developing and testing purposes.
See the Installation section to know how to install the requirements.
Version | |
>=14.16.1 | ✅ |
Version | |
>=4.4.5 | ✅ |
After you install the Pre-requisites, clone this repository to your computer.
$ git clone ~/destinationFolder
Go to your destinationFolder
$ cd ~/destinationFolder
Note: Open and modify the .env file with your own AtlasDB Uri connection. If you want to to run the project with a local mongo database then remove this .env file.
Install all project dependencies and launch the server.
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Osiris Román - OsirisRoman
You can see the live result of this repository in the following link:
- Nodejs-Ecommerce: