Supports sending tRPC's subscriptions over SSE.
Note: This is a proof-of-concept and not intended to be used directly.
: Client-side tRPC link bridging SSE HTTP connections to the tRPC API- Server
hackshim: Server-side logic convertingsubscription
procedures to events in a SSE HTTP connection - tRPC link split: Client-side configuration sending
procedures throughhttpSseLink
These then underly usage:
export const numbers = t.procedure .input( zod.object({ count: zod.number(), }) ) .subscription(async ({ input }) => { return observable<{ id: string; idk: number }>((sub) => { let i = 0; setInterval(() => { if (i++ === input.count) { sub.complete(); } else {{ id: randomUUID(), idk: Math.round(Math.random() * 5000), }); } }, 1000); }); });
const [messages, setMessages] = useState<Array<{ id: string; idk: number }>>( [] ); trpcClient.numbers.useSubscription( { max: 25, }, { enabled: true, onData(data) { setMessages((prev) => [...prev, data]); }, } ); return ( <div> { => ( <span key={}>{m.idk}</span> ))} </div> );
- Subscription continues if client closes the connection early
- I thought this was covered by the server-side request/response event handlers but that seems to be a misunderstanding. See #2.