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Magento 2 CMS Management extension allows managing CMS blocks and pages via git. Also, it provides the ability to manage versions of CMS content


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Mage2 Module Overdose CMSContent


Type 1: Composer (from github)

  • Add repository to composer.json: composer config repositories.od-cmscontent-github vcs
  • Download package: composer require overdose/module-cmscontent
  • Apply database updates and generate code by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • If production mode generate static content by running php bin/magento s:s:d
  • Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush

Type 2: Zip file

  • Download archive from repo
  • Unzip the zip file in app/code/Overdose
  • Apply database updates and generate code by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • If production mode generate static content by running php bin/magento s:s:d
  • Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush


Main features

  • Create content backups of cms-blocks and cms-pages.
  • Review backup history of CMS-Block/Page
  • Restore history content from any backup.
  • Create and Update CMS-Blocks/Pages by using of xml-files.
  • Allowing users to import/export CMS pages or blocks:
    -- (by json and xml files)
    -- Supports multistore and wysiwyg images
  • Clear old backups.

Fetaures details

  • Before saving of cms-block or page if the one was changed it's identifier, title and content will be saved to backup file (currently used json-format). Following directory tree will be created under 'var' folder:

      - for block: cms/blocks/history/{identifier}/{backup_name}
      - for page: cms/pages/history/{identifier}/{backup_name}
  • Added new section "History" to CMS-Block and CMS-Page editing page. Here, you will be able to see the backup records list. Each record is represented as a link with a name in format Y_m_d_h_i_s_{store_ids}. By clicking the link, a popup window with backup's content will appear.

  • Added two configuration xml-files cms_block_data.xml and cms_page_data.xml for creating and updating cms-blocks or pages.

  • Clear history methods:

    • By Periods: Left one file per a period (weeks, months and years):
      -- One history item per year for older than year.
      -- One history item per month for older than month but yonger 12m.
      -- One history item per week for older than week but yonger one month.
      Files younger than one week, excluded.
    • Older Than: Delete files older than 'Period' and it number.


Approach to use this extension:

The advantage of this approach is that there is no need to update UpdateData.php with a lot of conditions. You can easily update xml file and specify new version of CMS data. Also, extension creates a backup of previous CMS data.

How to

How to export contents

Select one or more pages you wish to export from CMS > Pages in your Magento Admin and select one of the export menu. "Export JSON", "Export XML" - downloads to a ZIP file as single file in JSON/XML format "Export as split JSON files", "Export as split XML files" - downloads to a ZIP file that put each block/page to a separate file in JSON/XML format

If your pages or blocks contain one or more images, they will be automatically added in the ZIP file.

How to import contents

A new option Import will appear in your Magento Admin Content menu. Click on it to import a previously exported ZIP file. Import supports XML and JSON format for block/page files (single and split as well).

CMS import mode

Overwrite existing: If a page/block with same id and store assignment is found, it will be overwritten by the ZIP file content.

Skip existing: If a page/block with same id and store assignment is found, it will NOT be overwritten by the ZIP file content.

Media import mode

Do not import: Do not import media files in the ZIP file.

Overwrite existing: If an image with same name exists it will be overwritten with version in the ZIP file.

Skip existing: If an image with same name exists it will NOT be overwritten with version in the ZIP file.

Managing by using xml files

  • Main purpose: create and update cms-blocks/pages without editing via admin panel. There are two options:

    1. Single file. Use a single file for all pages/blocks. Block`s content should be placed in cms_block_data.xml, pages in cms_page_data.xml. You can put your configuration files into:

      • MAGENTO_ROOT/app/etc/
      • Overdose_CMSContent::etc/
      • Overdose_CMSContent::etc/od_cms/
    2. Split content by files. Split content by files (by id/store or any other logic). Block`s content should be placed in a few files with strict mask - cms_block_data[your_id].xml, Pages in - cms_page_data[your_id].xml. For example - cms_page_data_home.xml, cms_page_data_no-route.xml. This kind of configuration files should be placed only in Overdose_CMSContent::etc/od_cms/.

  • Configuration files for blocks and pages mainly have the same structure. Examples you can find in:

    • Overdose_CMSContent::etc/od_cms/cms_block_data.xml.sample
    • Overdose_CMSContent::etc/od_cms/cms_page_data.xml.sample
    • Overdose_CMSContent::etc/od_cms/cms_page_data_no-route.xml.sample
  • CASE #1 Create block or page:

    1. Add cms_block_data.xml(cms_page_data.xml) with desired configuration and save in app/etc folder (do not forget to define the 'version' attribute)

    2. Run console command (php bin/magento od:cms:upgrade) or php bin/magento setup:upgrade

    3. Refresh cache

    Result: Block or page will be created and new record will be added to od_cmscontent_version table.

    !!!Note!!! If block or page already exists in magento - it will be updated according to data in your xml-file.

  • CASE #2 Update block or page

    1. Update config for desired entities in cms_block_data.xml(cms_page_data.xml)

    2. Set new version (should be greater than the previous one)

    3. Run console command (php bin/magento od:cms:upgrade) or php bin/magento setup:upgrade

    4. Refresh cache

    Result: Will be updated Block or page and corresponding record in od_cmscontent_version table



  • cms_block_save_before > Overdose\CMSContent\Observer\Cms\CmsSaveBefore
  • cms_page_save_before > Overdose\CMSContent\Observer\Cms\CmsSaveBefore
  • cms_page_delete_commit_after > Overdose\CMSContent\Observer\DeleteContentVersion
  • cms_block_delete_commit_after > Overdose\CMSContent\Observer\DeleteContentVersion


  • content_version


  • od_cmscontent_version > Overdose\CMSContent\Model\ContentVersion

Console commands

  • od:cms:upgrade > Upgrade configuration of CMS page/blocks
    • Options:
      • -t, --type=TYPE > CMS-type to upgrade: [block|blocks|page|pages]
      • -i, --identifier=IDENTIFIER > Comma-separated Identifiers of Block/Page to upgrade
  • od:cms:history-clear > Will delete old history files, by default will be used: Period option
    • Options:
      • -t, --type=TYPE > CMS-type to upgrade: [block|blocks|page|pages]

od:cms:upgrade [options]

  • Used to create/update cms-blocks/pages bases on data in cms_block_data.xml and cms_page_data.xml Alternative way: run php bin/magento setup:upgrade

  • Some main examples:

    `php bin/magento od:cms:upgrade -t block`          -- will update only Blocks (`cms_block_data.xml`)
    `php bin/magento od:cms:upgrade -t page`           -- will update only Pages (`cms_page_data.xml`)
    `php bin/magento od:cms:upgrade -t page -i home`   -- will update only page with identifier `home`

od:cms:history-clear [options]

  • Used to manually clear old cms-blocks/pages which are located in var/cms/history folder

  • Examples:

    `php bin/magento od:cms:history-clear -t block`          -- will delete only history Blocks
    `php bin/magento od:cms:history-clear -t page`           -- will delete only history Pages

Custom configuration files

  • cms_block_data*.xml > Create or update cms-blocks
  • cms_page_data*.xml > Create or update cms-pages

Delete old files by Cron

  • For use this possibility we need turn on it in admin panel. "Delete Backups By Cron"

There are 3 settings:

  • Cron Run Settings:

    1. Frequency - set cron period when will be run cron (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
    2. Start Time - set time, when will be run cron. 
  • Delete Methods:

    1. Method:
       a) By Periods - delete files by periods, exclude files younger than week.
       b) Older Than:
          b-1) Period - set period (Days, Weeks, Months or Years). Files older than it will be delete.
          b-2) Number - set quantity of periods.
  • Logs:

    Write logs. What files were deleted.


Magento 2.3 Magento 2.4
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Magento 2 CMS Management extension allows managing CMS blocks and pages via git. Also, it provides the ability to manage versions of CMS content







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