This repository contains a CLI program template for creating OTLS cable files. It isn't a complete program, but can help do some of the heavy lifting for automated cable file generation.
It would be convenient to bundle file format parsers for other industry software, but copyright laws keep that from happening. That doesn't mean that parsers can't be created, they just won't be created here.
Generally speaking, rights should be acquired prior to parsing copyrighted file formats. If the parser is being distributed, that's especially true. However, if it's an internal program - nobody will know any different. The decision is conditional, and the developer inherits the legal risk for releasing unauthorized parsers.
This repository is meant to be bundled with a custom parser. Here's how it's done:
Create an empty private repository.
Duplicate into the new repository.
git clone --bare
cd CableFileConverter.git
git push --mirror <new-repository-url>
cd ..
rm -rf CableFileConverter.git
Create a custom parser class.
Define a global method the in custom source file (see example method below).
It must match the declaration in the src/
ParseCableFile(const wxFileName& filename, const units::UnitSystem& units,
Cable& cable) {
// do some parsing
Update the build files to include the custom parser and build the app.
Run it!
Linux Usage:
CableFileConverter --help
Windows Usage:
CableFileConveter.exe --help
Check the logs for the conversion status.
The master branch contains stable code most of the time, but it's best to use specific releases of the master branch whenever possible.
This is an open source effort to create transmission line design software. This software is licensed in the public domain, so we can contribute to this collectively without worrying about intellectual property.