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Sindre Bøyum edited this page Jan 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Tome of Alkahestry allows you to duplicate items for the cost of charge that's stored in the tome.

Tome charging

The tome is charged either by turning it on (shift right click) in which case it would drain charging items out of player's inventory. Or by crafting it with chargeable items, which might be quicker in some cases as you can put it in there with up to 8 charging items. By default it is charged with either redstone or glowstone dust or block.


Once charged the tome can be used to craft (duplicate) items. For this you need a piece of what you want duplicated and a relevant charge in the tome which will be used when you duplicate the item. What can be duplicated and its charge is also configurable. Below are the defaults.

Default duplication config

Item Gain Redstone cost
Dirt 32 4
Cobblestone 32 4
Sand 32 4
Gravel 16 4
Sandstone 8 4
Clay 2 4
Netherrack 8 4
Charcoal 4 4
Lapis lazuli 1 4
Obsidian 4 8
Soul sand 8 8
Nether brick 4 8
End stone 16 8
Coal 4 8
Gunpowder 2 8
Flint 8 8
Gold ingot 1 32
Iron ingot 1 32
Emerald 1 32
Tin ingot 1 32
Silver ingot 1 32
Copper ingot 1 32
Steel ingot 1 32
Diamond 1 64
Nether star 1 256