This project is deprecated because the inspire linkage checker is not available any more: INSPIRE-MIF/helpdesk-geoportal#153
Python wrapper that runs the INSPIRE linkage checker and aggregates the results. This is a proof of concept. It is tested with the INSPIRE linkage checker version: 1.4.0
At this moment, the linkage-checker uses a selenium docker image for using and running the INSPIRE linkage checker.
First, start a selenium docker container with:
docker run --rm -p 4444:4444 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm selenium/standalone-firefox:3.141.59-20201010
Now the linkage-checker can be used and started with a command.
Unfortunately there is no INSPIRE linkage checker API available at the moment. Therefore, it is being investigated whether this way (using selenium) can be replaced by running the INSPIRE linkage checker only via http requests (which is faster, more stable and more efficient - in terms of execution speed and memory usage), so that the use of a selenium container is no longer necessary.
Usage: linkage-checker [OPTIONS]
--output-path PATH Path to a json file where the linkage
checker results will be stored.
--remote-selenium-url URL Connection URL of the selenium (remote)
--enable-caching Cache the NGR records in a local
json file (useful for debugging
--browser-screenshots Take browser screenshots for
debugging purposes.
-d, --debug-mode Enables debug mode which will run
tests for the first three NGR
-v, --verbosity LVL Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING,
--help Show this message and exit.
Normal run:
pipenv run linkage-checker --output-path /example/results.json
With some debugging functionalities enabled:
pipenv run linkage-checker --enable-caching --browser-screenshots -v DEBUG --debug-mode
We're installed with pipenv, a handy wrapper
around pip and virtualenv. Install that first with pip3 install pipenv
. Then run:
PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv install --python 3.8 --dev
In case you do not have python 3.8 on your machine, install python using pyenv and try the previous command again. See install pyenv below for instructions.
There will be a script you can run like this::
pipenv run linkage-checker
It runs the main()
function in linkage-checker/
adjust that if necessary. The script is configured in
In order to get nicely formatted python files without having to spend manual work on it, run the following command periodically:
pipenv run black linkage_checker
Run the tests regularly. This also checks with pyflakes, black and it reports coverage. Pure luxury:
pipenv run pytest
If you need a new dependency (like requests
), add it in
. Afterwards, run install again to actually install your
pipenv install --dev
Pipenv installs zest.releaser which allows you to release the package to a git(hub) repo. It has a
command that asks you a few questions, which you all respond to with <enter>
pipenv run fullrelease
We can install pyenv by running the following commands:
sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev
curl -L | bash
Also make sure to put pyenv in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
as instructed by the previous commands.