Play the new QUANTUM Rhythm Game developed for the Quantum Hackathon project.
It is Rhythm Game developed for the Quantum Hackathon project.
Using a quantum channel generated by simulaqron the two players Alice and Bob can play together. An entangled note (state) is generated by the server and sent to the two player, then Alice measures one note collapsing the state. At this point Bob knows the measure done by Alice and do the same. Both players must stay in the rhythm of the music and make measurements in order to violate the Bell's inequality. If at the end of time they managed to break it they win.
Install the dipendencies
pip3 install flask matplotlib simulaqron
Run the server simulaqron
simulaqron start
Run the server http
python3 server/
To close the server run
simulaqron stop
Open the browser to this url: and enjoy the game!