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This package provides utilities that are commonly needed in ARC Django projects. It supports Python 3.3+ and Django 1.8+.


To work on this package, run make init. This will create a virtualenv for you, install the package in editable mode, and run the tests. Take a look at the Makefile to see the actual commands that are run.


Run make test.


The following assumes your package has a that uses setuptools' setup() and that you are using pip. You will need to specify --find-links when running pip install (it's easiest to add --find-links ... to the top of the project's requirements.txt).

To use this package in a Django project, do the following:

  • Add 'django-arcutils' to install_requires in
  • To use the LDAP features, add 'django-arcutils[ldap]' to install_requires
  • To use template tags, add 'arcutils' to INSTALLED_APPS


NOTE: Many features have not been documented yet :( To get an idea of all the available features, take a look at the modules and packages in the top level arcutils directory.

Console Script

Some ARCUtils functionality can be accessed via the arcutils console script (or via python -m arcutils). Currently, there is one subcommand for running LDAP queries:

    arcutils ldap '(uid=pants)'

CAS - arcutils.cas

CAS is used when a project needs to log users in with their PSU accounts. The basic setup is straightforward:

  • Add "arcutils.cas.backends.CASModelBackend" to the project's AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS (in most cases, this will be the only value in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS)
  • Include CAS URLs in the project's root URLconf: url(r'^account/', include(arcutils.cas.urls))

By default, the first time a user logs in, a User record (with an unusable password) will be created in the project's database.

Database - arcutils.db

  • ChoiceEnum

      class FooType(ChoiceEnum):
          A = 1
          B = 2
      class SomeModel(models.Model):
          foo = models.ChoiceField(choices=FooType.as_choices())
  • will_be_deleted_with(obj) returns 2-tuples of (model class of objects in set, set of objects that will be deleted along with obj). This can be used in delete views to list the objects that will be deleted in a cascading manner.

  • arcutils.db.dictfetchall: pass a cursor and get the rows back as a dict

Forms - arcutils.forms

  • arcutils.forms.BaseFormSet and arcutils.forms.BaseModelFormSet have an iter_with_empty_form_first() method that is is basically ([formset.empty_form] + formset.forms). This makes it convenient to iterate over the empty form in templates without having a special case for it.

  • arcutils.forms.BaseFormSet and arcutils.forms.BaseModelFormSet override the clean method so that if a form is being deleted, its validation errors are blanked out.

LDAP - arcutils.ldap

To use the LDAP features, you will need at least a minimal set of LDAP settings:

LDAP = {
    'default': {
        'host': 'ldap://',
        'search_base': 'ou=people,dc=pdx,dc=edu',
  • arcutils.ldap.ldapsearch(query, using='default', **kwargs) performs an LDAP search using the LDAP connection specified by the using parameter. By default, each LDAP result is parsed into a "profile", which is just a dict with user info pulled from the LDAP attributes:

      results = ldapsearch('(uid=mdj2)')
      print(results[0])  # -> {'first_name': 'Matt', 'last_name': 'Johnson', ...}

Settings - arcutils.settings

TODO: Write this section.

Tasks - arcutils.tasks

Implements a simple daily task runner as an alternative to cron or Celery.


Utilities for ARC Django projects







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Contributors 4

