based on opencv (C++)
Cross platform : can be compiled on every platform that supports opencv
Easy to use
Event driven, no polling, less CPU
ASCII art style GUI compose(you can also make GUI by giving coordinations)
#include<iostream> #include"src/zgui.h" using namespace std; struct Win : z::AsciiWindow { Win() : z::AsciiWindow{R"( WHello World---------------- | T0------------------- | |Enter your name| | B0------------- | |Hello| |)"} { start(); B[0]->click([this]() { cout << "Hello " << T[0]->value() << endl; }); } }; int main() { Win win; win.loop(); }
fully use modern c++
TextInput : Korean -> Chinese Input Possible(libhangul, CJK font needed)
combine basic widgets to make complicated widgets
- ComboBox = TextInput + Button + vector
- Number Spinner = TextInput + Button + Button
- Tabs = Window + Window + Window + ....
- RadioButton = CheckBox + CheckBox + CheckBox + ...
Make complicated GUI by nesting Windows inside Window
easily make your own widget : just draw into cv::Mat
Let's make a wierd button. if we click left half of the button it will turn red, while right half will make it blue.
struct WButton : Widget { WButton(cv::Rect2i r) : z::Widget{r} { mat_ = widget_color_; gui_callback_[cv::EVENT_LBUTTONUP] = [this](int xpos, int) { if(xpos - x < width / 2) mat_ = cv::Vec3b{0,0,255}; else mat_ = cv::Vec3b{255,0,0}; update(); }; } };
We can use 'Z' to draw custom widget into ascii GUI.
struct Color : z::AsciiWindow{ Color(): z::AsciiWindow{R"( W---------------------------------------------- | | Z0------- | || | |)"} { wb.resize(*Z[0]); //position will be copied *this + wb; organize_accordingto_zindex(); } WButton wb{{0,0,1,1}} }
> sudo apt install libhangul-dev libopencv-dev xclip
> git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ParkSeungwon/opencv-gui
> cd opencv-gui
> make
First line of font.dat file should point to CJK font file path.
- Button
- Label
- Checkbox
- radiobutton
- frame
- Text input
- TextBox
- combo box
- Number spinner
- Image
- Slider
- Progress bar
- Window
- popup window
- Tabs
- ScrolledWindow
Top window can scroll to any rectangular position by calling scroll_to() function. Scrolled_rect_ will be shown on the display. All widgets(including Window widget) in herits cv::Rect2i{x, y, width, height}. Basically widget position or mouse event will be calculated by relative position from first parent window. Scrolling will have no effect on these.
- gui project that needs fast prototyping
- cross platform gui
- gui for opencv parameter tuning
Capital letter stands for
- B : Button
- C : CheckBox
- T : Text Input
- E : Text Box
- W : Window
- P : Progress bar
- S : Slider
- I : Image
- L : Label
- Z : Custom Widget
Capital letter is followed by a number : this should be one digit and it is the index of this widget. You can also use printable ascii characters after 9.(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E .... | } ~)
Capital letter is followed by '------' : this determines the width of the widget.
Capital letter is followed by '|' vertically : this determines the height of the widget
the first line below the Capital letter contains some text and close with another ''|''
- Usuall this is the text of the widget
- In slider widget, it is start, end, step separated by space.
- in Checkbox widget, 'v' should be used to indicate that it is checked.
Window size should include all the child widgets.
never use tabs inside window. Only use space.
pitfall: if you use n CJK characters inside | |, next opening '|' should be n spaces away from closing '|'. |한글이다| <---at least 4space --> |next|
any number after capital letters should not leap. (B0, B2 : error) (B0, B2, B1: ok). But appearing sequence does not matter.
using namespace std;
struct Win : z::AsciiWindow
Win() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
WBasic Widget Gallery------------------
| L0-----B0-------C0- T0--------------
| |Label||Button| |v| |TextInput|
| S0--------------- P0-------------
| |1 100 1| |333|
| E0---------------------------------
| |Text Box|
| |
| |
int main() {
Win win;
using namespace std;
struct Win : z::AsciiWindow
Win() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
WCombined Widgets----------------
| T0-------------B0 T1------B1
| || || || B2
| C0- C1- C2- B3------
| || || |v| |values|
static vector<string> v{"abc", "def", "ghi"};
tie(*T[0], *B[0], v, 30);
auto f1 = tie(*T[1], *B[1], *B[2], 0, 1);
auto f2 = tie(*C[0], *C[1], *C[2]);
wrap("Radio Button", 20, 10, *C[0], *C[1], *C[2]);
B[3]->click([this, f1, f2]() {
cout << "combo box value : " << T[0]->value() << endl;
cout << "Number spinner value: " << f1() << endl;
cout << "Radio button value: " << f2() << endl;
int main() {
Win win;
using namespace std;
struct Win : z::Window
struct Tab1 : z::AsciiWindow {
Tab1() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
| L0-------------
| |TAB1|
} tab1;
struct Tab2 : z::AsciiWindow{
Tab2() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
| L0--------------
| |TAB2|
} tab2;
Win() : z::Window{"Tab Example", {0, 0, 300, 200}}
tabs(10, 10, tab1, tab2);
int main() {
Win win;
using namespace std;
struct Win : z::Window
Win() : z::Window{"Scrolled Window Example", {0, 0, 800, 800} }
scroll_to({0, 0, 400, 400});// before adding handle
*this + label + handle;
z::Handle handle;
z::Label label{"Center", {300, 300, 100, 30}};
int main() {
Win win;
using namespace std;
struct Popup : z::AsciiWindow
Popup() : z::AsciiWindow {R"(
| B0-----
| |OK|
B[0]->click([this]() { popdown(7); });
struct Win : z::AsciiWindow
Popup pop;
Win() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
WPopup Example----------
| B0--------------
| |Popup|
B[0]->click( [this]() {
pop.popup ( *this , [](int i) { cout << i << endl;} );//7
int main() {
Win win;
using namespace std;
struct NewWin : z::AsciiWindow
NewWin() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
| B0----------------
| |A new window|
struct Win : z::AsciiWindow
Win() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
WMultiple Window example------------
| B0---------------
| |New Window|
B[0]->click([this]() { if(w.open()==7) cout << "closed" << endl; });
NewWin w;
int main() {
Win win;
If you want to get mouse event or keyboard event with opened cv::Mat. You should make a window and use 'load_matrix', 'open' function. If you don't want to get event from the cv::Mat, just use imshow("title", matrix).
using namespace std;
struct NewWin : z::Window
NewWin() : z::Window{"title", {0,0,1,1}}
gui_callback_[cv::EVENT_LBUTTONUP] = [this](int x, int y) {
cv::circle(mat_, {x, y}, 30, {255, 0, 0}, 3);
struct Win : z::AsciiWindow
Win() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
WMatrix Window exmaple------------
| B0----------------------
| |Window with event|
| B1-----------------------
| |Just show the image|
B[0]->click([this]() {
w.load_matrix( cv::imread("Lenna.png"));
B[1]->click([this]() { imshow("image", cv::imread("len.jpg")); });
NewWin w;
int main() {
Win win;
using namespace std;
struct Win : z::AsciiWindow
Win() : z::AsciiWindow{R"(
WIntegration with CvPlot----------------------
| I0------------------------------ B0------
| |Lenna.png| |Quit|
| |
| | B1------
| | |Plot|
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|)", 20, 30}
B[0]->click([this]() { cv::destroyAllWindows(); });
B[1]->click([this]() {
auto axes = CvPlot::plot(std::vector<double>{ 3, 3, 4, 6, 4, 3 }, "-o");
*I[0] = axes.render(I[0]->height, I[0]->width);
int main() {
Win win;