GUI implementations for viewing DMCE generated data.
Interactive trace GUI used to view DMCE trace bundles (.zip files).
Use together with v2.0.0 of the dmce git, or master / main on both.
To generate an executable, use the Godot editor:
- Navigate to Project->Export.
- Select your platform of preference
- Click "Export all" and choose "Release"
$ # Assuming DMCE is installed on your system (
$ dmce-set-profile trace-mc
$ cd path-to-git
$ dmce
$ # Build and execute program here
$ dmce-trace --bundle [trace buffer file] [ probe references file] [code tree]
The probe references file is generated at the dmce probing pass. Every time a process exits, which has run at least one dmce probe, a trace buffer file is generated. The code tree is the path to the git containing the probed code. Default locations for the first two:
If confusion hits you, --help switches are available for most dmce utilities!