- Base solution for a medium - large saas
- github style user / organsation model but with projects instead of repo's
- modular in nature to allow additional feature domains
- modular monolith
- choose boring technologies
- postgres
- ef/dapper
- razor pages
- htmx
- transactional outbox
- ✌️ Users can register
- ✌️ Users can login
- ✌️ Users can reset password
- ✌️ Users can update name
- ✌️ Users can update password
- ✌️ Users can create ApiKey
- ✌️ Users can list ApiKeys
- ✌️ Users can revoke ApiKeys
- ✌️ Users can authenticate with ApiKey
- ✌️ Users can create organisations
- ✌️ Users can be organisation administrators
- ✌️ Users can operate within an organisation's context
- ✌️ Users can add and remove members
- ✌️ Users can promote and demote members
- ✌️ Users can delete organisations
- ✌️ Users can create invitations
- ❌ Users can accept invitations and become members
- ❌ Users can reject invitations
- ✌️ Users can create projects
- ✌️ Users can operate within an projects's context
- ❓ Should projects be moved to their own modules?
- ❓ Should invitiations be moved out to its own module too?
- ✌️ Users can create terms
- ✌️ Users can update terms
- ✌️ Users can delete terms
- ✌️ Users can add languages
- ✌️ Users can add translations of a term to a language
- ✌️ Users can update translations of a term to a language
- ✌️ Users can import terms
- ✌️ Users can import translations
- ✌️ Users can generate statistics on terms/translations
- ✌️ Users can export to RESX files
- ✌️ Users can export to CSV files
- ✌️ Route to this via a 'Project scoped module' route
- ❓ Rename to 'Localisation' module
- ✌️ Modules are well isolated, communicate via integration events
- ✌️ Modules contain complete functionality, razor pages / api endpoints included.
- ✌️ Use transactional outbox for publishing events
- ✌️ Publish integration events via transactional outbox
- ✌️ Publish queued commands via transactional outbox
- ✌️ In memory publishing of events between each module's outbox and another's inbox
- ❌ AWS SQS for outbox/inbox (https://github.com/awslabs/aws-dotnet-messaging or similar)
- ✌️ Distinct container instance and composition root foreach module
- ❌ Security at the postgres connection level via connection context being set
As the razor pages co-habitate in the web host a convention is needed to ensure the routes are globally unique. :question: Perhaps modules could defined user, org and project scoped functionality?
User Scoped modules
- 💻
- 💻
- 💻
Org Scoped modules
- 💻
- 💻
- 💻
Project Scoped modules
- 💻
- 💻
- 💻
- 💻
- ✌️ Added PageIds to identify the current page
- ✌️ Organisation Selector Tests
- ✌️ Project Selector Tests
- ❌ User Menu Tests
- ✌️ Basic user flow Tests
- Logs impersonation links for easier manual retesting of scenarios
- Endpoint
- Endpoint provides a context accessor for modules to retreive the context of a command or query
- Context is retrieved via route parameters and authentication details
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Username=admin;Password=password;Database=db;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Search Path=translate;Include Error Detail=true;Log Parameters=true" \
Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL \
-o Infrastructure/temp \
-c "Db"
- remove all schema prefixes from application layer
- remove all ef queries from application layer
- look into SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(LanguageIdTypeHandler.Default);
- Monitoring
- Check HTTP Endpoint health
- Check IP Address health
- Check DNS resolution
- Image resizing
- Thumbnail generation
- PDF generation
- URL to PDF
- Feature switches
- Manual
- User based
- Time based
- Percentage based
- Random
- Content Management
- Data Types
- Tags
- Search / List / Filter
- Organisation Invitations
- Project Invitations
- Notifications (Email, SMS, Push)
- Analytics
- Metrics
- Counters
- Gauges
- Timers
- Embeddable via URL / Iframe
- Security
- User permissions
- User role
- User groups