add actions-read permissions to workflow
update cid github actions workflow from 0.0.16 to 0.0.17 (#210 )
add security policy, add ossf badge, update ci workflows (#203 )
formatting, remove unused buildSrc (#196 )
deps: update actions/checkout action to v4.1.3 (#205 )
deps: update actions/upload-artifact action to v4.3.3 (#206 )
deps: update dependency gradle to v8.9 (#216 )
deps: update dependency org.projectlombok:lombok to v1.18.34 (#213 )
deps: update dependency org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter to v2.7.18 (#189 )
deps: update dependency org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test to v2.7.18 (#190 )
deps: update io.projectreactor to v3.6.8 (#214 )
deps: update kotlinx-coroutines to v1.8.1 (#208 )
deps: update org.jetbrains.kotlinx to v1.8.0 (#197 )
deps: update org.projectlombok:lombok to v1.18.30 (#195 )
deps: update org.springframework to v2.7.17 (#187 )
deps: update plugin me.philippheuer.configuration to v0.11.0 (#217 )
update sonarcloud project id in badge links
You can’t perform that action at this time.