© 2012-2014 Matthias Strubel licenced under GPL-3
Sources for Running PirateBox with Webserver lighttpd
Contains: Shoutbox, Forum
PirateBox is a collection of scripts / programs that allows you to use your wireless card as a local network to share files and chat anonymously. For more information please visit http://daviddarts.com/
Packages contains only scripts based PirateBox scripts with running lighttpd webserver.
PirateBox scripts can:
- Setup WLAN Interface via iw
- Setup hotspot functionality (hostapd)
- Setup IP Adresses of wlan interface
- Probing until USB-WLAN is available
- Can add wlan interface to an existing bridge
- Sets Up a DHCP Server with redirect to wlan-interface IP
- Upload landing page (via iframe droopy)
- Browse Uploaded files
- Announce "Internet yes" for iOS
- Announce "Internet yes" for MS devices
- ShoutBox
- Optional small python Forum
- Optional imageboard
- Optional Station counter
- Optional Inihibit starting upload-script
- Optional Timesave script (for devices without RTC) - can be found in piratebox/bin/timesave.sh
- Optional Poll for WLAN device until it available (for USB wifi cards)
More information can be found on: http://piratebox.aod-rpg.de
Installation-HowTo and current Download-Link: http://piratebox.aod-rpg.de/dokuwiki/doku.php/piratebox_lighttpd
Is supported by mkPirateBox > v0.5 for OpenWRT Systems and by PirateBox Manager.
PirateBox should be in most common repositories soon, but in the mean time you can use this method:
Download the development package.
Unzip the package:
unzip development.zip
Run the installer in the unzipped folder:
cd PirateBoxScripts_Webserver/piratebox
sudo ./install.sh default
#Default can be substituted with 'board' if you want an image board on your PirateBox