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Daryl edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 9 revisions

How to run the program

Create a docker socket in VM

socat TCP-L:2375,fork UNIX:/var/run/docker.sock

Create .env file with API keys

# .env file

Start containers

$ docker compose up -d

Connecting to docker socket (TCP)

Set the host and port of the docker socket

PUT /api/socket?host=<host>&port=<port>

How to populate DB

Before any data can be retrieved, the following api must be called

PUT /api/acquire

This will get all the information from the docker socket and populate the database

How to do static vuln scan

Before any information can be retrieved about the possible vulns, the following api must be called

PUT /api/analyse/vuln/:image_id

Do note that there is a limit to how many scans per month that can be done