Convert a docx (OOXML) file to semantic HTML. All of Word formatting nonsense is stripped away and you're left with a cleanly-formatted version of the content.
>>> from docx2html import convert
>>> html = convert('path/to/docx/file')
$ virtualenv path/to/new/virtualenv
$ source path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/activate
$ cd path/to/workspace
$ git clone git://
$ cd docx2html
$ pip install .
$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt
$ ./
docx2html is designed to take a docx file and extract the content out and convert that content to html. It does not care about styles or fonts or anything that changes how the content is displayed (with few exceptions). Below is a list of what currently works:
- Paragraphs
- Bold
- Italics
- Underline
- Hyperlinks
- Lists
- Nested lists
- List styles (letters, roman numerals, etc.)
- Tables
- Paragraphs
- Tables
- Rowspans
- Colspans
- Nested tables
- Lists
- Images
- Resizing
- Converting to smaller formats (for bitmaps and tiffs)
- There is a hook to allow setting the src of the image tag out of context, more on this later
- Headings
- Simple headings
- Root level lists that are upper case roman numerals get converted to h2 tags
docx2html allows you to specify how you would like to handle image uploading. For example, you might be uploading your images to Amazon S3 eg: Note: This documentation sucks, so you might need to read the source.
import os.path
from shutil import copyfile
from docx2html import convert
def handle_image(image_id, relationship_dict):
image_path = relationship_dict[image_id]
# Now do something to the image. Let's move it somewhere.
_, filename = os.path.split(image_path)
destination_path = os.path.join('/tmp', filename)
copyfile(image_path, destination_path)
# Return the `src` attribute to be used in the img tag
return 'file://%s' % destination
html = convert('path/to/docx/file', image_handler=handle_image)
There are two main naming conventions in the source for docx2html there are build functions, which will return an etree element that represents HTML. And there are get_content functions which return string representations of HTML.