Welcome to the USB-to-Sero-Controller Interface Project!
This program allows you to control servos from a custom USB device using the Python Programming language. In this case, the hardware interface is a Teensy 2.0 Development board. Theoretically, you can control up to 12 servos at once from a Python program.
The end goal is to provide the Raspberry Pi with high-level access (via Python) to low-level motor control via a hardware interface.
To get started, you'll need a combination of hardware and software before being able to run these examples:
- A Teensy 2.0
Source: http://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy.html - up to 12 servos connected to digital pins 0 through 13 (but NOT pin 11, the LED pin.
Source: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/pyusb/ - Arduino 1.0.1 Teensyduino installation
Source: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html
If you're completely new to servos with Arduino, you might find the link
below quite handy to overcoming many typical problems:
Note, however, that this code snippet MUST be used with a Teensy, not an
Arduino Uno.
To run the examples, simply install the necessary hardware and software,
upload the Teensy sketch, and run the corresponding Python example.
Riding on the shoulders of giants, this project would be impossible without
the incredible starter code provided by Paul Stoffregen found in the examples
tab under: File-->Examples-->Teensy-->USB_RawHID-->Basic
Other sources can be found here: