Packadroid is a framework that allows the automated repackaging of Android applications.
To get a full documentation of the project, please refer to the files contained in the docs directory of this repository. This directory contains a report and slides that explain the approach we used, the project structure and the usage in more detail.
In the following we shortly explain the directory structure of this repository:
- docs: Contains further documentation of the project.
- src: Contains the Python sources of the project.
- payload: Contains precompiled payloads in apk files. The available payloads are explained in the Payload section.
- payload_src: Contains the source code of the precompiled payloads as an Android Studio project.
The Packadroid frameworks supports the following commands. To start the interactive shell, use:
python [-b <batch_file>]
The following table shows the supported commands. The commands can be listed inside the interactive shell using the help command.
Command | Usage | Explanation |
add_activity_hook | add_activity_hook <payload_apk_path> | Add a new hook to the given activity for the given payload. The activity IDs can be listed with list_activities. |
add_broadcast_hook | add_broadcast_hook <payload_apk_path> | Add a new hook to the given intent as a broadcastreceiver. |
exit | exit [-f] | Close the interactive prompt without changing anything. |
generate_meterpreter | generate_meterpreter | Generate a reverse shell (meterpreter) with given IP and port. Metasploit necessary! |
help | help - shows available methods without problems | |
list_activities | list_activities | List the activities of the loaded original application. [*] marks launcher activities. The number before each activity is its ID. This ID can be used in the add_activity_hook command. |
list_added_hooks | list_added_hooks | Lists all hooks which have already been added by the user. Each hook has an ID which can be used to remove hooks. |
list_permissions | list_permissions | List the permissions of the loaded original application. |
load_original | load_original <path_to_original_apk> | Load an .apk file you want inject code to. |
remove_hook | remove_hook | Remove hook with given index. For retrieving the index of each hook use the list_added_hooks function. |
repack | repack [repacked_apk_path] | Repack the .apk file as configured! |
set_verbose | set_verbose | Enables (1) or disables (0) the verbose modewhich shows enriched shell output. |
start_meterpreter_handler | start_meterpreter_handler | Generate a handler which is catchign the reverse shell |
unload_session | unload_session | Deletes all settings of the current session. Deletes folder of decompiled apps/payloads. |
For easier automation, it is possible to specify a batch file containing the commands to execute. The batch file is a simple text file which contains commands you would usually enter directoy into the interactive shell. The batchfile is executed using the following command:
python [-b <batch_file>]
We deliver the following precompiled payloads:
Class | Method | .apk file | Explanation |
com.tum.team05.packadroidpayload.Payload | deleteAllContacts | payload/precompiled.apk | Deletes all contacts when the hook is triggered. |
com.tum.team05.packadroidpayload.Payload | startRecording | payload/precompiled.apk | Starts recording using the microphone. The output is written to the output.mp3 file in the standard working directory of the application. |
com.tum.team05.packadroidpayload.Payload | sendSms | payload/precompiled.apk | Sends an SMS to a dummy phone number and static content. Feel free to adapt the soruce code of the payload! |
com.tum.team05.packadroidpayload.Payload | transferContacts | payload/precompiled.apk | Transfer a list of all contacts via SMS. |
The provided precompiled payloads currently do not request runtime Android permissions. Therefore, they do not work for Android versions greater thatn 6.0 (API level 23). However, feel free to adapt the payloads.
In addition, to the precompiled payloads we support to build a Meterpreter-based reverse shell. As you have to enter your own IP address and the port you want to use, we do not deliver a precompiled version of this payload!
To install the framework you have to do the following steps:
- Download the repository.
- Install dependencies listed in the dependencies section.
To execute the framework itself, you have to use Python 3 on a Linux/Ubuntu-based system. In addition, we require the following dependencies:
- There are currently no special Python 3 dependencies.
- Make sure apktool is accessible from the command line (We used version 2.3.1 for testing).
- Make sure jarsigner is accessible from the command line. Jarsigner uses the androiddebugkey for testing. Therefore, you also have to ensure that the ~/.android/debug.keystore file contains a key called androiddebugkey. This key is usually installed as soon as android-studio is installed on the system.
- To generate and use the Meterpreter reverse shell, Metasploit must be installed on the system and msfvenom and msfconsole must be executable from the command line.