Coded by: Prajwal Krishna
This README file contains :
- Information About the Quiz-App
- How to run the backend server
- Controls for game play
- File structure
- List of APIs
This a backend written in GoLang using Gin as microframework Gorm as ORM and sqlite3 as database.
This server is caters to restful apis of a quiz app whose frontend is totally decoupled with it.
List of apis and a breif description about those are written in API section of
Install GoLang in your machine.
Inside GoLang src folder clone this repo git clone
Go inside the folder cd Go-Quiz-Backend-Server
Running the program is easy go run
This starts a go-server at localhost:8080
The database is intialized with some values to make it empty run following commands before go run rm gorm.db touch gorm.db
This starts a backend server for quiz app on localhost:8080 which can cater to any service making a api request to it.
For a sample frontend for this quiz-portal click here