A full-stack web development project built with Google Cloud Functions, Firebase, Node.js, TypeScript, React and Styled-Components.
- A Node.js Restful API for CRUD operations using Express, TypeScript, Google Cloud Functions with Firebase.
- Automated development workflow using GitHub Actions.
- React components based design system using Styled-Components and Storybook.
- Search, filtering, sorting and paginating using Custom React Hooks.
- Dynamic routes and authentication using react-router-dom.
- Performance optimization, code splitting and lazy loading.
- Redux-like persisted Global Store using React Hooks and the State Reducer Pattern
- Schema-based form-level validation using Yup.
In the project directory, you can run:
yarn && npm-run-all -p setup:yarn:*
cd functions && yarn install && yarn deploy
cd client && yarn install && yarn build
cd client && yarn start
cd client && yarn storybook