The script notifies OpenHAB 3 that the number of DS1990A ibutton devices into the one wire file system (owfs) has changed.
Copy wfs2oh_DS1990A/src/ to /var/lib/openhab/scripts/owfs2oh_DS1990A/
Set owner and permissions:
chown openhab:openhab /var/lib/openhab2/scripts/owfs2oh_DS1990A/
chmod 774 /var/lib/openhab/scripts/owfs2oh_DS1990A/
Make sure that your script executable
Make sure that the OpenHAB item that is defined in exit
Copy systemd/system/owfs2oh_DS1990A.service to /etc/systemd/system folder
Start it
sudo systemctl start owfs2oh_DS1990A
Enable it to run at boot
sudo systemctl enable owfs2oh_DS1990A
Stop it
sudo systemctl stop owfs2oh_DS1990A