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Addresses #46 and fixes #47 (#50)
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* add zero structs

* set fixes

* hash method

* isequal and idiomatic changes

* generator comp for dagger

* more generators and fix

* organize SAdd

* doctest fix

* change JET threshold to 7

* new version updates
  • Loading branch information
apkille authored Jun 21, 2024
1 parent 237d158 commit 0f47b58
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Showing 11 changed files with 135 additions and 41 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# News

## v0.3.1 - dev
## v0.3.1 - 2024-06-21

- Macros for defining symbolic quantum objects.
- Implement zero objects.
- Equality for commutative operations, hashing, and lexicographic ordering when printing.
- Added tests.

## v0.3.0 - 2024-06-12

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "QuantumSymbolics"
uuid = "efa7fd63-0460-4890-beb7-be1bbdfbaeae"
authors = ["QuantumSymbolics.jl contributors"]
version = "0.3.1-dev"
version = "0.3.1"

Latexify = "23fbe1c1-3f47-55db-b15f-69d7ec21a316"
Expand Down
24 changes: 9 additions & 15 deletions src/QSymbolicsBase/QSymbolicsBase.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ export SymQObj,QObj,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,25 +139,15 @@ const QObj = Union{AbstractBra,AbstractKet,AbstractOperator,AbstractSuperOperato
const SymQObj = Symbolic{<:QObj} # TODO Should we use Sym or Symbolic... Sym has a lot of predefined goodies, including metadata support
Base.:(-)(x::SymQObj) = (-1)*x
Base.:(-)(x::SymQObj,y::SymQObj) = x + (-y)
Base.hash(x::SymQObj, h::UInt) = isexpr(x) ? hash((head(x), arguments(x)), h) :
hash((typeof(x),symbollabel(x),basis(x)), h)

function _in(x::SymQObj, y::SymQObj)
for i in arguments(y)
if isequal(x, i)
return true
function Base.isequal(x::X,y::Y) where {X<:Union{SymQObj, Symbolic{Complex}}, Y<:Union{SymQObj, Symbolic{Complex}}}
function Base.isequal(x::X,y::Y) where {X<:SymQObj, Y<:SymQObj}
if X==Y
if isexpr(x)
if operation(x)==operation(y)
ax,ay = arguments(x),arguments(y)
if (operation(x) === +) && (length(ax) == length(ay))
all(x -> _in(x, y), ax)
all(zip(ax,ay)) do xy isequal(xy...) end
(operation(x) === +) ? x._set_precomputed == y._set_precomputed : all(zip(ax,ay)) do xy isequal(xy...) end
Expand All @@ -167,6 +158,9 @@ function Base.isequal(x::X,y::Y) where {X<:Union{SymQObj, Symbolic{Complex}}, Y<
Base.isequal(::SymQObj, ::Symbolic{Complex}) = false
Base.isequal(::Symbolic{Complex}, ::SymQObj) = false

# TODO check that this does not cause incredibly bad runtime performance
# use a macro to provide specializations if that is indeed the case
Expand Down
49 changes: 36 additions & 13 deletions src/QSymbolicsBase/basic_ops_homogeneous.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# This file defines the symbolic operations for quantum objects (kets, operators, and bras) that are homogeneous in their arguments.
# This file defines the symbolic operations for quantum objects (kets, operators, and bras)
# that are homogeneous in their arguments.

"""Scaling of a quantum object (ket, operator, or bra) by a number
Expand All @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ A
julia> 2*A
@withmetadata struct SScaled{T<:QObj} <: Symbolic{T}
Expand All @@ -29,9 +30,9 @@ arguments(x::SScaled) = [x.coeff,x.obj]
operation(x::SScaled) = *
head(x::SScaled) = :*
children(x::SScaled) = [:*,x.coeff,x.obj]
Base.:(*)(c, x::Symbolic{T}) where {T<:QObj} = SScaled{T}(c,x)
Base.:(*)(x::Symbolic{T}, c) where {T<:QObj} = SScaled{T}(c,x)
Base.:(/)(x::Symbolic{T}, c) where {T<:QObj} = SScaled{T}(1/c,x)
Base.:(*)(c, x::Symbolic{T}) where {T<:QObj} = iszero(c) || iszero(x) ? SZero{T}() : SScaled{T}(c, x)
Base.:(*)(x::Symbolic{T}, c) where {T<:QObj} = c*x
Base.:(/)(x::Symbolic{T}, c) where {T<:QObj} = iszero(c) ? throw(DomainError(c,"cannot divide QSymbolics expressions by zero")) : (1/c)*x
basis(x::SScaled) = basis(x.obj)

const SScaledKet = SScaled{AbstractKet}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,15 +71,25 @@ julia> k₁ + k₂
@withmetadata struct SAdd{T<:QObj} <: Symbolic{T}
SAdd{S}(d) where S = length(d)==1 ? SScaled{S}(reverse(first(d))...) : new{S}(d)
function SAdd{S}(d) where S
xs = [c*obj for (c,obj) in d]
length(d)==1 ? first(xs) : SAdd{S}(d,Set(xs),xs)
isexpr(::SAdd) = true
iscall(::SAdd) = true
arguments(x::SAdd) = [SScaledKet(v,k) for (k,v) in pairs(x.dict)]
arguments(x::SAdd) = x._arguments_precomputed
operation(x::SAdd) = +
head(x::SAdd) = :+
children(x::SAdd) = [:+,SScaledKet(v,k) for (k,v) in pairs(x.dict)]
Base.:(+)(xs::Vararg{Symbolic{T},N}) where {T<:QObj,N} = SAdd{T}(countmap_flatten(xs, SScaled{T}))
children(x::SAdd) = [:+; x._arguments_precomputed]
function Base.:(+)(xs::Vararg{Symbolic{T},N}) where {T<:QObj,N}
xs = collect(xs)
f = first(xs)
nonzero_terms = filter!(x->!iszero(x),xs)
isempty(nonzero_terms) ? f : SAdd{T}(countmap_flatten(nonzero_terms, SScaled{T}))
Base.:(+)(xs::Vararg{Symbolic{<:QObj},0}) = 0 # to avoid undefined type parameters issue in the above method
basis(x::SAdd) = basis(first(x.dict).first)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +131,10 @@ arguments(x::SMulOperator) = x.terms
operation(x::SMulOperator) = *
head(x::SMulOperator) = :*
children(x::SMulOperator) = [:*;x.terms]
Base.:(*)(xs::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}...) = SMulOperator(collect(xs))
function Base.:(*)(xs::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}...)
zero_ind = findfirst(x->iszero(x), xs)
isnothing(zero_ind) ? SMulOperator(collect(xs)) : SZeroOperator()
end, x::SMulOperator) = print(io, join(map(string, arguments(x)),""))
basis(x::SMulOperator) = basis(x.terms)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +165,10 @@ arguments(x::STensor) = x.terms
operation(x::STensor) =
head(x::STensor) = :
children(x::STensor) = pushfirst!(x.terms,:)
(xs::Symbolic{T}...) where {T<:QObj} = STensor{T}(collect(xs))
function (xs::Symbolic{T}...) where {T<:QObj}
zero_ind = findfirst(x->iszero(x), xs)
isnothing(zero_ind) ? STensor{T}(collect(xs)) : SZero{T}()
basis(x::STensor) = tensor(basis.(x.terms)...)

const STensorKet = STensor{AbstractKet}
Expand All @@ -172,15 +189,15 @@ julia> commutator(A, B)
julia> commutator(A, A)
@withmetadata struct SCommutator <: Symbolic{AbstractOperator}
function SCommutator(o1, o2)
coeff, cleanterms = prefactorscalings([o1 o2], scalar=true)
cleanterms[1] === cleanterms[2] ? 0 : coeff*new(cleanterms...)
cleanterms[1] === cleanterms[2] ? SZeroOperator() : coeff*new(cleanterms...)
isexpr(::SCommutator) = true
Expand All @@ -190,6 +207,9 @@ operation(x::SCommutator) = commutator
head(x::SCommutator) = :commutator
children(x::SCommutator) = [:commutator, x.op1, x.op2]
commutator(o1::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}, o2::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}) = SCommutator(o1, o2)
commutator(o1::SZeroOperator, o2::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}) = SZeroOperator()
commutator(o1::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}, o2::SZeroOperator) = SZeroOperator()
commutator(o1::SZeroOperator, o2::SZeroOperator) = SZeroOperator(), x::SCommutator) = print(io, "[$(x.op1),$(x.op2)]")
basis(x::SCommutator) = basis(x.op1)
expand(x::SCommutator) = x == 0 ? x : x.op1*x.op2 - x.op2*x.op1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,6 +238,9 @@ operation(x::SAnticommutator) = anticommutator
head(x::SAnticommutator) = :anticommutator
children(x::SAnticommutator) = [:anticommutator, x.op1, x.op2]
anticommutator(o1::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}, o2::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}) = SAnticommutator(o1, o2)
anticommutator(o1::SZeroOperator, o2::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}) = SZeroOperator()
anticommutator(o1::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}, o2::SZeroOperator) = SZeroOperator()
anticommutator(o1::SZeroOperator, o2::SZeroOperator) = SZeroOperator(), x::SAnticommutator) = print(io, "{$(x.op1),$(x.op2)}")
basis(x::SAnticommutator) = basis(x.op1)
expand(x::SAnticommutator) = x == 0 ? x : x.op1*x.op2 + x.op2*x.op1
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/QSymbolicsBase/basic_ops_inhomogeneous.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ operation(x::SApplyKet) = *
head(x::SApplyKet) = :*
children(x::SApplyKet) = [:*,x.op,x.ket]
Base.:(*)(op::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}, k::Symbolic{AbstractKet}) = SApplyKet(op,k)
Base.:(*)(op::SZeroOperator, k::Symbolic{AbstractKet}) = SZeroKet()
Base.:(*)(op::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}, k::SZeroKet) = SZeroKet()
Base.:(*)(op::SZeroOperator, k::SZeroKet) = SZeroKet(), x::SApplyKet) = begin print(io, x.op); print(io, x.ket) end
basis(x::SApplyKet) = basis(x.ket)

Expand All @@ -36,6 +39,7 @@ julia> @bra b; @op A;
julia> b*A
@withmetadata struct SApplyBra <: Symbolic{AbstractBra}
Expand All @@ -52,6 +56,9 @@ operation(x::SApplyBra) = *
head(x::SApplyBra) = :*
children(x::SApplyBra) = [:*,x.bra,x.op]
Base.:(*)(b::Symbolic{AbstractBra}, op::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}) = SApplyBra(b,op)
Base.:(*)(b::SZeroBra, op::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}) = SZeroBra()
Base.:(*)(b::Symbolic{AbstractBra}, op::SZeroOperator) = SZeroBra()
Base.:(*)(b::SZeroBra, op::SZeroOperator) = SZeroBra(), x::SApplyBra) = begin print(io, x.bra); print(io, x.op) end
basis(x::SApplyBra) = basis(x.bra)

Expand All @@ -75,7 +82,11 @@ operation(x::SBraKet) = *
head(x::SBraKet) = :*
children(x::SBraKet) = [:*,x.bra,x.ket]
Base.:(*)(b::Symbolic{AbstractBra}, k::Symbolic{AbstractKet}) = SBraKet(b,k)
Base.:(*)(b::SZeroBra, k::Symbolic{AbstractKet}) = 0
Base.:(*)(b::Symbolic{AbstractBra}, k::SZeroKet) = 0
Base.:(*)(b::SZeroBra, k::SZeroKet) = 0, x::SBraKet) = begin print(io,x.bra); print(io,x.ket) end
Base.isequal(x::SBraKet, y::SBraKet) = isequal(x.bra, y.bra) && isequal(x.ket, y.ket)

"""Symbolic application of a superoperator on an operator"""
@withmetadata struct SSuperOpApply <: Symbolic{AbstractOperator}
Expand All @@ -89,7 +100,9 @@ operation(x::SSuperOpApply) = *
head(x::SSuperOpApply) = :*
children(x::SSuperOpApply) = [:*,x.sop,x.op]
Base.:(*)(sop::Symbolic{AbstractSuperOperator}, op::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}) = SSuperOpApply(sop,op)
Base.:(*)(sop::Symbolic{AbstractSuperOperator}, op::SZeroOperator) = SZeroOperator()
Base.:(*)(sop::Symbolic{AbstractSuperOperator}, k::Symbolic{AbstractKet}) = SSuperOpApply(sop,SProjector(k))
Base.:(*)(sop::Symbolic{AbstractSuperOperator}, k::SZeroKet) = SZeroKet(), x::SSuperOpApply) = begin print(io, x.sop); print(io, x.op) end
basis(x::SSuperOpApply) = basis(x.op)

Expand All @@ -99,6 +112,7 @@ julia> @bra b; @ket k;
julia> k*b
@withmetadata struct SOuterKetBra <: Symbolic{AbstractOperator}
Expand All @@ -115,5 +129,8 @@ operation(x::SOuterKetBra) = *
head(x::SOuterKetBra) = :*
children(x::SOuterKetBra) = [:*,x.ket,x.bra]
Base.:(*)(k::Symbolic{AbstractKet}, b::Symbolic{AbstractBra}) = SOuterKetBra(k,b)
Base.:(*)(k::SZeroKet, b::Symbolic{AbstractBra}) = SZeroOperator()
Base.:(*)(k::Symbolic{AbstractKet}, b::SZeroBra) = SZeroOperator()
Base.:(*)(k::SZeroKet, b::SZeroBra) = SZeroOperator(), x::SOuterKetBra) = begin print(io, x.ket); print(io, x.bra) end
basis(x::SOuterKetBra) = basis(x.ket)
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions src/QSymbolicsBase/literal_objects.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,13 +67,29 @@ SHermitianUnitaryOperator(name) = SHermitianUnitaryOperator(name, qubit_basis)
ishermitian(::SHermitianUnitaryOperator) = true
isunitary(::SHermitianUnitaryOperator) = true

const SymQ = Union{SKet, SBra, SOperator, SHermitianOperator, SUnitaryOperator, SHermitianUnitaryOperator}
const SymQ = Union{SKet,SBra,SOperator,SHermitianOperator,SUnitaryOperator,SHermitianUnitaryOperator}
isexpr(::SymQ) = false
metadata(::SymQ) = nothing
symbollabel(x::SymQ) =
basis(x::SymQ) = x.basis, x::SKet) = print(io, "|$(symbollabel(x))"), x::SBra) = print(io, "$(symbollabel(x))|"), x::Union{SOperator, SHermitianOperator, SUnitaryOperator, SHermitianUnitaryOperator}) = print(io, "$(symbollabel(x))"), x::Union{SOperator,SHermitianOperator,SUnitaryOperator,SHermitianUnitaryOperator}) = print(io, "$(symbollabel(x))"), x::SymQObj) = print(io, symbollabel(x)) # fallback that probably is not great

struct SZero{T<:QObj} <: Symbolic{T} end

const SZeroBra = SZero{AbstractBra}

const SZeroKet = SZero{AbstractKet}

const SZeroOperator = SZero{AbstractOperator}

isexpr(::SZero) = false
metadata(::SZero) = nothing
symbollabel(x::SZero) = "𝟎"
basis(x::SZero) = nothing, x::SZero) = print(io, symbollabel(x))
Base.iszero(x::SymQObj) = isa(x, SZero)
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/QSymbolicsBase/predefined.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ operation(x::SProjector) = projector
head(x::SProjector) = :projector
children(x::SProjector) = [:projector,x.ket]
projector(x::Symbolic{AbstractKet}) = SProjector(x)
projector(x::SZeroKet) = SZeroOperator()
basis(x::SProjector) = basis(x.ket)
function, x::SProjector)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,20 +265,19 @@ dagger(x::Symbolic{AbstractBra}) = SDagger{AbstractKet}(x)
dagger(x::Symbolic{AbstractKet}) = SDagger{AbstractBra}(x)
dagger(x::Symbolic{AbstractOperator}) = SDagger{AbstractOperator}(x)
dagger(x::SScaledKet) = SScaledBra(conj(x.coeff), dagger(x.obj))
dagger(x::SAddKet) = SAddBra(Dict(dagger(k)=>v for (k,v) in pairs(x.dict)))
dagger(x::SAdd) = (+)((dagger(i) for i in arguments(x))...)
dagger(x::SScaledBra) = SScaledKet(conj(x.coeff), dagger(x.obj))
dagger(x::SAddBra) = SAddKet(Dict(dagger(b)=>v for (b,v) in pairs(x.dict)))
dagger(x::SAddOperator) = SAddOperator(Dict(dagger(o)=>v for (o,v) in pairs(x.dict)))
dagger(x::SZeroOperator) = x
dagger(x::SHermitianOperator) = x
dagger(x::SHermitianUnitaryOperator) = x
dagger(x::SUnitaryOperator) = inv(x)
dagger(x::STensorBra) = STensorKet([dagger(i) for i in x.terms])
dagger(x::STensorKet) = STensorBra([dagger(i) for i in x.terms])
dagger(x::STensorOperator) = STensorOperator([dagger(i) for i in x.terms])
dagger(x::STensorBra) = STensorKet(collect(dagger(i) for i in x.terms))
dagger(x::STensorKet) = STensorBra(collect(dagger(i) for i in x.terms))
dagger(x::STensorOperator) = STensorOperator(collect(dagger(i) for i in x.terms))
dagger(x::SScaledOperator) = SScaledOperator(conj(x.coeff), dagger(x.obj))
dagger(x::SApplyKet) = dagger(x.ket)*dagger(x.op)
dagger(x::SApplyBra) = dagger(x.op)*dagger(x.bra)
dagger(x::SMulOperator) = SMulOperator([dagger(i) for i in reverse(x.terms)])
dagger(x::SMulOperator) = SMulOperator(collect(dagger(i) for i in reverse(x.terms)))
dagger(x::SBraKet) = SBraKet(dagger(x.ket), dagger(x.bra))
dagger(x::SOuterKetBra) = SOuterKetBra(dagger(x.bra), dagger(x.ket))
dagger(x::SDagger) = x.obj
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/extensions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Ket(dim=2)
isexpr(::StabilizerState) = false
basis(x::StabilizerState) = SpinBasis(1//2)^nqubits(x.stabilizer), x::StabilizerState) = print(io, "𝒮$(num_to_sub(nqubits(x.stabilizer)))")
symbollabel(x::StabilizerState) = "𝒮$(num_to_sub(nqubits(x.stabilizer)))", x::StabilizerState) = print(io, symbollabel(x))

StabilizerState(s::T) where {T} = StabilizerState{T}(s) # TODO this is necessary because the @withmetadata macro is not very smart
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ println("Starting tests with $(Threads.nthreads()) threads out of `Sys.CPU_THREA
@doset "commutator"
@doset "anticommutator"
@doset "dagger"
@doset "zero_obj"

VERSION >= v"1.9" && @doset "doctests"
get(ENV,"JET_TEST","")=="true" && @doset "jet"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_commutator.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using Test

@testset "symbolic commutator tests" begin
@test isequal(commutator(2*A, B), commutator(A, 2*B)) && isequal(2*commutator(A, B), commutator(2*A, B)) && isequal(commutator(A, 2*B), 2*commutator(A, B))
@test commutator(A, A) == 0
@test commutator(A, A) == SZeroOperator()

@testset "commutator Pauli tests" begin
Expand Down
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions test/test_zero_obj.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
using QuantumSymbolics
using Test

A = SOperator(:A, SpinBasis(1//2))
k = SKet(:k, SpinBasis(1//2))
b = SBra(:b, SpinBasis(1//2))

Oop = SZeroOperator()
Ok = SZeroKet()
Ob = SZeroBra()

@testset "zero operator tests" begin
@test isequal(0*A, Oop) && isequal(A*0, Oop)
@test isequal(2*Oop, Oop) && isequal(Oop*2, Oop) && isequal(Oop/2, Oop)
@test isequal(Oop + A, A) && isequal(A + Oop, A) && isequal(Oop + Oop, Oop)
@test isequal(Oop*A, Oop) && isequal(A*Oop, Oop)
@test isequal(Oop A, Oop) && isequal(A Oop, Oop) && isequal(Oop*Oop, Oop)
@test isequal(commutator(A, Oop), Oop) && isequal(commutator(Oop, A), Oop) && isequal(commutator(Oop, Oop), Oop)
@test isequal(anticommutator(A, Oop), Oop) && isequal(anticommutator(Oop, A), Oop) && isequal(anticommutator(Oop, Oop), Oop)
@test isequal(projector(Ok), Oop)
@test isequal(dagger(Oop), Oop)

@testset "zero bra and ket tests" begin
@test isequal(0*k, Ok) && isequal(k*0, Ok)
@test isequal(2*Ok, Ok) && isequal(Ok*2, Ok) && isequal(Ok/2, Ok)
@test isequal(Ok + k, k) && isequal(k + Ok, k) && isequal(Ok + Ok, Ok)
@test isequal(Ok k, Ok) && isequal(k Ok, Ok)
@test isequal(0*b, Ob) && isequal(b*0, Ob)
@test isequal(2*Ob, Ob) && isequal(Ob*2, Ob) && isequal(Ob/2, Ob)
@test isequal(Ob + b, b) && isequal(b + Ob, b) && isequal(Ob + Ob, Ob)
@test isequal(Ob b, Ob) && isequal(b Ob, Ob)
@test isequal(Oop*k, Ok) && isequal(A*Ok, Ok) && isequal(Oop*Ok, Ok)
@test isequal(b*Oop, Ob) && isequal(Ob*A, Ob) && isequal(Ob*Oop, Ob)
@test isequal(Ok*b, Oop) && isequal(k*Ob, Oop) && isequal(Ok*Ob, Oop)
@test isequal(Ob*k, 0) && isequal(b*Ok, 0) && isequal(Ob*Ok, 0)

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