there is no nvl in mySQL ifnull() and is null statement work here in MySQL!
gender = IFNULL('F', gander) 倘若 gender is null 則 gender = 'F' 若 gender 不為 null 則 gender 句子則為 is null || is not null
SQL Example
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `uspTest5_Case_Sw`( userId int ) BEGIN select UserId, case Level when 0 then 'bT' when 1 then 'dM' when 2 then 'mM' when 3 then 'uM' when 4 then 'Up' else 'Exception' End, ParentUserId, RealName from Reseller; END
SQL Script
CREATE PROCEDURE `uspUserRequest`( UId int, IN joinAppId int ) BEGIN declare tamp int; set tamp = ifnull(null, joinAppId); /* ifnull function */ if joinAppId is null then /* is null statement*/ select * from user_request_join as urj where urj.userId = UId; else select * from user_request_join as urj where urj.userId = UId and urj.UserJoinAppId = tamp_iui; end if; END