The aim of these packages is not to be efficient, but to be applied in a pedagogical way
Here is the list of all packages of the depository :
- Cholesky decomposition
- QR decomposition Householder + GS
- LU decomposition
- Hessenberg decomposition
- Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization
- Tridiagonalisation matrix Householder + Givens
- Matrix inversion
- RQ process diagonalization + shift method
- Jacobi diagonalization
- Iterative Power diagonalization + shift method
- Eigenvectors using iterative method
- A.x = b solution with residual improvement
Next step :
- SVD factorization
- Lanczos + Davidson diagonalization
All rights are strictly reserved to Quentin Marecat For any report or suggestion, please contact [email protected] or on my github page @Quentin-Marecat