The goal of this homework is to familiarize you with the development environment you will be using in this class, including IntelliJ, JUnit, Git and GitHub. You will correct a simple class that calculates the area of two shapes: a square and a circle. Although the programming in this project is not challenging, the setup of your development tools may be. You will often encounter an unexpected challenge or two when learning a new technology!
- If you haven't already done so, begin by following the instructions in part one of the Google Doc to set up your IntelliJ project on your laptop.
- Follow the instructions in cloning a repo to clone After you fork the repo it will be available at
- Run the tests. Right click on the class name AreaTest. Select Run -> AreaTest.
- IntellIj will run the tests, but they will fail. Each test has an orange exclamation points and error messages appear in the console when they are complete.
- Open
- Fix the two lines marked "TODO" in You may not change
- Rerun the unit test Look for a green "OK" next to each test.
- If (unit tests do not pass) goto step 2.
- Commit your changes: Select the hw0 module, right click, and select Git -> Commit Directory.
- You should see all the source files you changed (which is only with a checkmark in the popup.
- Change the "commit" button to "commit and push" in the lower righthand corner.
- Write an appropriate message in the comment box.
- IMPORTANT: Select "commit and push" (not just commit) in the lower right.
- Select "push" to send your changes to GitHub.
- IntelliJ should say "push successful"
- Visit your github site in your web browser to make sure the changes you made were pushed correctly.
- Proclaim victory! You've finished your first homework assignment!