The RoktUXHelper enables partner applications to render tailored user experiences, improving the velocity of testing and relevancy for the customer. This library offers an easy way to perform rendering and provides event hooks for integration into backend systems.
- Danial Motahari - [email protected]
- Miran Nakamura - [email protected]
- Wei Yew - [email protected]
Environment | Build |
main |
- Download the latest Xcode. Project is configured to run on iOS 15.0 and above and compiled with the latest version of iOS.
- clone the repository using
git clone [email protected]:ROKT/rokt-ux-helper-ios.git
To integrate to your Xcode project, select File > Add Package Dependency and enter
You can also navigate to your target’s General pane, and in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click the + button, select Add Other, and choose Add Package Dependency.
To integrate to your Swift package, add the following SPM dependency into your Package.swift
file. This configuration ensures that your app will receive updates to the library up to, but not including, the next major release.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.1.0"))
Open the Package.swift
file with Xcode and press command + U
, or Product -> Test
from the menu bar.
Just push a change to any of the feature branches and tests will be run on Buildkite.
There are 2 dependencies:
- DcuiSchema, for deserializing the experience response
- ViewInspector, for SwiftUI unit testing
An example app is available in this repository to demonstrate integration with RoktUXHelper using both SwiftUI and UIKit. For detailed implementation examples, refer to the example app README.
For detailed documentation, check the SwiftUI integration guide and UIKit integration guide.
There are main branches coresponding to each version : Main, Release branches and Features branches
- main - This is the main, default branch. Feature branches merge back into this branch, and release branches are created off this branch.
- release branches - This branch is production ready.
- feature branches - After every push to this branch swift lint and tests are run to ensure no breaking changes are allowed.
They are in .buildkite/pipeline.yml