Useful when teachers require that you "The report should contain all your source code in appendices."
For each file it creates a heading (like section/subsection -- is
customizable) labels it with the filename (also customizable), and lastly
includes it using lstinputlisting
-- maybe even setting the language parameter
if it regonizes the extension.
- Python 3.2+
- a TeX enviroment with the
$ <DIR>
This will create the file generated-lstlisting.tex
in your current directory.
To change the path of output file, use the -o
options, like so
$ -o path/output.tex <DIR>
- adding options to the end is also accepted
To learn about the "advanced" options run SOMEPATH/ --help
(like changing the section level to "subsubsection")
For more LaTeX source code listing generation, see my difftotex repo.