Simple christmas light controller and pattern generator for raspberry pi
Updated to cope with 16 lights.
The first 8 lights are assumed to be normal blinkers. The next 5 lights make up a face
- Light 9 represents eyes
- Light 10 is a 'Smile'
- Light 11 is a wide open mouth
- Light 12 is a partially open mouth
- Light 13 is a mouth in a "O" pattern.
The next 3 represent a third less complex face
Light 14 represents eyes
Light 15 is a wide open mouth
Light 16 is a partially open mouth
Generate a pattern of appropriate length with
Modify it to turn lights on (1) or off (0) in the appropriate positions
Test using the built-in simulator
Deploy to your RPi
eg: ./ --bpm 136.88 --duration 227.45 --start 1.25 > LetItGo.pattern (Edit LetItGo.pattern, based on time signatures for interesting events in Audacity) ./ --music LetItGo.mp3 --pattern LetItGo.pattern
(Adjust GPIO pins in according to your setup)
./ --music LetItGo.mp3 --pattern LetItGo.pattern --live
To determine BPM figures, I use audacity, and generate a click track. Keep adjusting the BPM figures until it matches the associated MP3.