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Sample appointment directory app (for scheduling appointment with doctors)

This application:

  • Leverages Java 1.8, Spring Boot 2.6, Maven, Redis, Thymeleaf, JQuery, Chart.js, Bootstrap as a technology stack
  • Uses Redis as external session store
  • Redis Streams as asynchronous processing engine for rejecting/approving appointments
  • RedisJSON 2.0 redis module for storing appointment model objects
  • RediSearch 2.2 redis module for indexing and searching through the JSON objects and aggregating the result for analytic purposes
  • Optional: Can use RedisStack which has RediSearch and RediJSON included in it by default

appt_directory (2)

Running the application

  1. Using IDE like STS or IntelliJ

    • Clone the repo

    • Import the code into th IDE of your choice like STS or IntelliJ

    • Spin up a new or existing Redis Enterprise cluster using Redis Enterprise software OR Redis Enterprise Cloud OR run Redis Stack server on your local machine

    • Open the application.yml file and modify the redis server url, port and password variables. If password is not required, keep the value of spring.redis.auth as 'false'

    • Executing mandatory index scripts

      Before using the application, connect to the Redis instance using redis-cli command line utility and execute following index scripts. This is necessary for the search feature to work.

      FT.CREATE idx-status ON JSON SCHEMA $.status as status TAG
      FT.CREATE idx-aptDate ON JSON SCHEMA $.appointmentDateTime as appointmentDateTime NUMERIC SORTABLE
      FT.CREATE idx-desc ON JSON SCHEMA $.description as description TEXT
      FT.CREATE idx-createdTime ON JSON SCHEMA $.createdTime as createdTime NUMERIC SORTABLE

    • Run the application file ''

    • open http://localhost:8080

    • Finally shut down the Redis Enterprise server and application server once done

  2. Using Kubernetes
    Application can be deployed to Kubernetes cluster as well. For that respective YAML files are included. It contains:

    • the kubernetes deployment,
    • configmap and
    • service YAML file for loadbalancer type (for deploying on Cloud) make sure to execute above index scripts on redis server before running the application
  3. Run with docker
    (Install docker runtime if not installed)
    Docker image for this application: abhishekcoder/appointment-directory:latest

    _Make sure Redis Enterprise server or RedisStack server is already running execute above index scripts on redis server before running the application

    Execute the following command to run the application:

    docker run -p -e SPRING_REDIS_HOST=<REDIS_URL> -e SPRING_REDIS_PORT=<REDIS_PORT> -e SPRING_REDIS_PASSWORD=<REDIS_PSWD> abhishekcoder/appointment-directory:latest

    For instance:

    docker run -p -e SPRING_REDIS_HOST=localhost -e SPRING_REDIS_PORT=6379 -e SPRING_REDIS_PASSWORD=e9gydixtEWqN4tYKgRnhUXysXADYJzZ9 abhishekcoder/appointment-directory:latest

  4. Run with docker compose
    (Install docker runtime if not installed)
    This is the fastest way to spin-up the application and redis server. No need to execute any database scripts. All will be done by docker-compose utility behind the scene. Just execute the following command to run the application. This will create required docker objects including the needed containers one each for web-app and redis server. These containers are part of the same private network:

    docker compose up

    Execute the following command to tier down the docker artifacts created above including the private network:

    docker compose down

Snapshots of the application

Login page:


Appointment list page:


New appointment:
