3DViewer is an open-source application control software used with Revopoint 3D cameras. It mainly includes the functions of obtaining a camera list, connecting a specified camera, setting various parameters of the camera, and viewing 2D images and point cloud images obtained in different states.
- Windows 10 (64 bit) or later
- Ubuntu Linux 18.04 (64 bit) or higher
- MacOS 10.15 (64 bit) or higher
Dependent environment:
- Qt5 (Qt 5.10.1 or higher), Qt download address is shown in: https://download.qt.io/
- Windows
- Visual Studio 2015 or later
- MacOS
- Latest Xcode
- Linux
- g++ 7.5.0 or higher
- Dependent libraries:
- 3DCamera
- OpenSceneGraph 3.6.5 or higher
- OpenMP
Installation Qt5、Visual Studio 2015 or later (Community Edition)、CMake、Git (Add the running path to the windows system environment variable when installing CMake and Git)
Use Git to download code
Create a new code storage folder, for example: D:\3DViewer-git
Use the Git clone command to download the code, press the windows + R shortcut key to open a command prompt window, enter cmd.exe,and then enter the following command:
cd /D D:\3DViewer-git git clone https://github.com/Revopoint/3DViewer.git
Create a new Visual Studio project by CMake (take QT 5.10.1 + Visual Studio 2015 as an example).
Create a new build folder in the root directory of downloaded code, open a command prompt, and enter the build directory:
cd D:\3DViewer-git\3DViewer\build
To execute CMake, you need to modify -DQt5_DIR =‘……’ which points to Qt5Config.cmake storage location, and -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" indicates to generate a Visual Studio 2015 project.
cmake -DQt5_DIR=c:\Qt5.10.1\5.10.1\msvc2015_64\lib\cmake\Qt5 -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..\src\
Use Visual Studio 2015 to open the 3DViewer.sln solution file generated in the build directory.
After opening the project, press Ctrl+Shift+B to compile, or press F5 to run the program directly.
Open Terminal and run the following command to install OpenMP:
brew install libomp
Open the terminal, create a new code storage folder, for example: ~/3DViewer-git. Then execute git clone to download the code.
mkdir ~/3DViewer-git cd ~/3DViewer-git git clone https://github.com/Revopoint/3DViewer.git
Create a new build directory in the code root directory, enter the directory and execute CMake command. -DQt5_ DIR =‘……’ points to Qt5Config.cmake storage location.
mkdir 3DViewer/build cd 3DViewer/build cmake -DQt5_DIR=~/Qt5.10.1/5.10.1/clang_64/lib/cmake/Qt5 ../src/
Execute make in the build directory to complete the project compilation.
After compilation, double-click bin/3DViewer.app to run the program.
(When connecting the camera via USB, you need to run the scripts/cs_rpc_install.sh script under the code root directory first.)
Installation Qt5、CMake、Git、g++ (take Qt 5.10.1 as an example).
sudo apt -y install cmake g++ git
Install Qt5 (take Qt 5.10.1 as an example)
wget https://download.qt.io/new_archive/qt/5.10/5.10.1/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.10.1.run chmod +x qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.10.1.run ./qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.10.1.run
Install OpenGL dependencies
sudo apt install mesa-common-dev
Open the terminal, create a new code storage folder, for example: ~/3DViewer-git. Then execute git clone to download the code.
mkdir ~/3DViewer-git cd ~/3DViewer-git git clone https://github.com/Revopoint/3DViewer.git
Create a new build directory in the code root directory, enter the directory and execute CMake command. -DQt5_ DIR =‘……’ points to the storage location of Qt5config.cmake.
mkdir 3DViewer/build cd 3DViewer/build cmake -DQt5_DIR=~/Qt5.10.1/5.10.1/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5 ../src/
Execute make in the build directory to complete the project compilation.
After compilation, execute the ./bin/3DViewer to run the program.
(When connecting the camera via USB, you need to run the scripts/cs_uvc_config. sh script in the code root directory first.)