- @package PHPmongoDB
- @version 2.0.0beta
- @link
============================================================================================================== Introduction
A Tool available for administrative work of MongoDB over Web.
This is a port of the orginal PHPmongoDB, adapted for the newer MongoDB drivers.
Note: this is a beta version - there has been no attempt to optimise to suit new drivers.
Provided As-Is with no guarantees. Not all features tested.
============================================================================================================== Requirements
- Install the NEW MongoDB PHP driver (http://php.net/manual/en/set.mongodb.php)
- Run Composer Install (or install PHP Mongo Library - see http://php.net/manual/en/mongodb.tutorial.library.php for instructions)
- Open the config.php with your editor, change host, port, admins and so on As per your system. Default given below:
-Server Setting
'name' => "Localhost",
'host' => "",
- Make authentication = TRUE for using your MongoDB user and password.
- Make authorization['readonly'] = TRUE for making your MongoDb readonly.
- Visit the index.php in your browser, for example: http://localhost/phpmongodb
- Login with admin username and password, which is set "admin" and "admin" as default