ObjcExtensionProperty is a collection of macro defines for adding getter and setter methods for objective-c calsses and extensions.
- Fast adding getter/setter methods with just one line code
- Add weak properties for calss extension (also with just one line code)
- Easy to add lazy property getter method with just one line code
use any of the macro definions below to implement your getter/setter(s)
//instance variable backed lazy getter method macro define
#define __GETTER_LAZY_IVAR(Class,name,initializer...)
//dynamic property lazy getter method
#define __GETTER_LAZY(Class,name,initializer...)
//common object type property setter method
#define __SETTER(name,setter,association)
//common object type property getter method
#define __GETTER(Class,name) -(Class *)name
//common object type property setter method with additional costomize code
#define __SETTER_CUSTOMIZE(name,setter,association,customizeCode...)
//common object type property getter method provide a default return value
#define __GETTER_DEFAULT(Class,name,defaultValue)
//common weak object type property setter method
#define __SETTER_WEAK(name,setter)
//common weak object type property getter method
#define __GETTER_WEAK(Class,name)
//primitive type property setter method
#define __SETTER_PRIMITIVE(type,name,setter,NSNumberMethod)
//primitive type property getter method
#define __GETTER_PRIMITIVE(type,name,NSNumberMethod)
//primitive type property getter method with a default return value
#define __GETTER_PRIMITIVE_DEFAULT(type,name,defaultValue,NSNumberMethod)
Let see how easy it is to add various kinds of properties though ObjcExtensionProperty. In this example we assume that you want to add some properties for UIView
@interface UIView (DyanmicTest)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *dynProperty; //common object property
@property (nonatomic) int dynPrimitiveValue; //primitive type property
@property (nonatomic, weak) NSString *dynWeakProperty; //weak property
@property (nonatomic, lazy) NSString *lazyProperty; //lazy property
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat *dynHeight; //default is 480.0
//check the code in .m file
@property (nonatomic,strong) UITableView *tableView;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat addHeight;
add backed getter/setter methods for properties in .m file
@implementation UIView (DyanmicTest)
//common getter/setter
__SETTER(dynProperty, setDynProperty:, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
__GETTER(NSString, dynProperty)
//primitive type getter/setter
__SETTER_PRIMITIVE(int,dynPrimitiveValue, setDynPrimitiveValue:, numberWithInt:)
__GETTER_PRIMITIVE(int, dynPrimitiveValue, intValue)
//weak reference getter/setter
__SETTER_WEAK(dynWeakProperty, setDynWeakProperty:)
__GETTER_WEAK(NSString, dynWeakProperty)
//lazy property getter
__GETTER_LAZY(NSString, lazyProperty,[NSString stringWithFormat:@"lazy created on %@",[NSDate date]])
//getter with default return value
__SETTER_PRIMITIVE(CGFloat, dynHeight, setDynHeight:, numberWithDouble:)
__GETTER_PRIMITIVE_DEFAULT(CGFloat, dynHeight, 480.0, doubleValue)
//setter with customize code
UITableView *tbv = tableView;
tbv.dataSource = self;
tbv.delegate = self;
__GETTER(UITableView, tableView)
//primitive setter with cusomize code
__SETTER_PRIMITIVE_CUSTOMIZE(CGFloat, addHeight, seAddHeight:, numberWithDouble:, {
self.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, self.frame.size.height+addHeight);
__GETTER_PRIMITIVE(CGFloat, addHeight, doubleValue)
Without ObjcExtensionProperty, you'll find that implementing these getter/setter methods is cumbersome, you will have to write much more code. especially for lazy properties.
@implementation UIView (DyanmicTest)
//lazyProperty's getter method without ObjcExtensionProperty
//define a key
const char lazyPropertyKey;
// implement the getter
-(NSString *)lazyProperty{
NSString *retValue = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &lazyPropertyKey);
if(!retValue) {
retValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"lazy created on %@",[NSDate date]];
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &lazyPropertyKey, retValue, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
return retValue;
//other properties getter/setter methods
doesn't provide a weak reference type, but instead with OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN, which means whenever you access to a object that was previousely deallocated, you will cetainly got a crash. with ObjcExtensionProperty you don't have to face such a problem anymore.
//define weak property in extension's .h file
@property (nonatomic, weak) NSString *dynWeakProperty; //weak property
//implement weak property's getter/setter methods
__SETTER_WEAK(dynWeakProperty, setDynWeakProperty)
__GETTER_WEAK(NSString, dynWeakProperty)
ObjcExtensionProperty can easy to add getter method for lazy properties both for ivar backed properties(through __GETTER_LAZY_IVAR()
) and in calss extensions(through __GETTER_LAZY
lazy getter method for ivar backed property
//define lazy property
@interface RRViewController ()
@property (nonatomic,lazy) HttpClient *client;
@implementation RRViewController
HttpClient *_client;
//lazy getter method for self.client
__GETTER_LAZY_IVAR(HttpClient, client, [[HttpClient alloc]initWithUrl:@"https://github.com/Roen-Ro"])
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSLog(@"log _client.url:%@",_client.url); //null
NSLog(@"log self.client.url:%@",self.client.url); //https://github.com/Roen-Ro
ios 5.0, mac os 9.0
ObjcExtensionProperty is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ObjcExtensionProperty'
Or drag and drop files in 'ObjcExtensionProperty' directory directly into your xcode projects
Roen(罗亮富), [email protected]
ObjcExtensionProperty is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.