DockerKit is NOT part of Fruit Framework.
DockerKit is a set of tools helping you manage docker container/image from php.
DockerKit supports only bash as default shell, using other shell like zsh is not supported.
Write your dockerfile generator:
$f = new Fruit\DockerKit\Dockerfile('debian:latest', 'John Doe <[email protected]>');
->install(['php5-fpm', 'php5'])
'service php5-fpm restart',
'trap "echo Stopping fpm...;service php5-fpm stop" INT TERM',
'(kill -STOP $BASHPID)&',
], '/')
->chmod('a+x', '/')
->entrypoint(['bash', '/']);
echo $f->generate();
which generates
FROM debian:latest
MAINTAINER John Doe <[email protected]>
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y php5-fpm php5 \
&& apt-get clean \
&& echo 'dash dash/sh boolean false'|debconf-set-selections \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure dash \
&& echo '#!/bin/bash'|tee / \
&& echo 'service php5-fpm restart'|tee -a / \
&& echo 'trap "echo Stopping fpm...;service php5-fpm stop" INT TERM'|tee -a / \
&& echo '(kill -STOP $BASHPID)&'|tee -a / \
&& echo 'wait'|tee -a / \
&& chmod a+x /
ENTRYPOINT ["bash","/"]
So you can pipe it to docker build
like php my_generator.php|docker build -t my_tag -
, or
(new Fruit\DockerKit\DockerBuild('my_tag')->run($f);
Grouping can merge shell commands into one RUN
command, reduce intermediate layers needed when building image.
You can write custom installers to share same application/library between different dockerfile generators. See src/ServiceStarter.php
, which helps you generate shell script to manage service start/stop, as example.
$f = new Fruit\DockerKit\Dockerfile('debian:latest', 'John Doe <[email protected]>');
$f->distro('debian')->install(['nginx', 'php5-fpm']);
(new Fruit\DockerKit\ServiceStarter('/'))
'service php5-fpm start',
'service nginx start',
'service php5-fpm stop',
'service nginx stop',
echo $f->entrypoint('/')->generate();
will generates
FROM debian:latest
MAINTAINER John Doe <[email protected]>
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y nginx php5-fpm \
&& apt-get clean \
&& echo '#!/bin/bash'|tee / \
&& echo 'function start() {'|tee -a / \
&& echo ' service php5-fpm start'|tee -a / \
&& echo ' service nginx start'|tee -a / \
&& echo '}'|tee -a / \
&& echo ''|tee -a / \
&& echo 'function stop() {'|tee -a / \
&& echo ' service php5-fpm stop'|tee -a / \
&& echo ' service nginx stop'|tee -a / \
&& echo '}'|tee -a / \
&& echo 'trap stop INT TERM'|tee -a / \
&& echo ''|tee -a / \
&& echo '(kill -SIGSTOP $BASHPID)&'|tee -a / \
&& echo 'wait'|tee -a / \
&& chmod a+x /
Currently we support only Debian. PR is welcome. See src/Distro/Distro.php
about how to implement.
You can find more examples in test cases, especially commands not documented here.
You can choose any of GPL, LGPL or MIT license.