FTHLC Framework - aka. For Those Who Loves C9s Framework - is a simple but fast web framework for PHP 5.3+.
Tired using fat, slow, nobody-can-read framework like $ymfoning? Use FTHLC and you'll love it in a second!
FTHLC has exactly zero line of code, which make it be the fastest web framework in the world! No additional effort, no performance penalty, doing just the thing you want it to do!
We use Pux for routing, LazyRecord for ORM and also CLIFramework to save your life! Less step, more c9s! It's definitely c9s all-in-one!
php composer.phar require ronmi/fthlc
$mux = new Pux\Mux;
$mux->mount('', (new Your/App/Controller())->expand());
class YourController extends Pux\Controller
public function indexAction($arg1, $arg2)
// do something
class YourModelSchema extends LazyRecord\Schema
public function schema()
vendor/bin/lazy init
vendor/bin/lazy conf
vendor/bin/lazy build-schema
vendor/bin/lazy create-db
vendor/bin/lazy sql
vendor/bin/lazy migrate
Command line interface:
class YourCLICommand extends CLIFramework\Command
public function brief() {
return 'Only for test.';
public function arguments($args)
public function execute($arg1)
- We have 3141.59% speed boost after changing from $ymfoning to FTHLC. [email protected]
- Fast, fast, and faster! [email protected]
- I will never use any other framework! [email protected]
- 用了它之後,我感覺自己變聰明了,考試都考一百分呢! [email protected]